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"They were in an accident.."

I must be hearing them wrong, did she really just say that?

"What?" I ask again, knowing that's not what he really said.

"They were in a car accident" my dad says

I laugh "you're lying"

"Why would I lie about something like that?"

This can't be true this must be some kind of sick twisted joke.

"Miranda, is this true?" I ask, tears welling at the bottom of my eyes

"Yes." She says and starts to cry again

I stand up "Where is he. I need to see him"

"You can't, Ashley, lay back down. They're both in surgery." My dad says

"Surgery? Why?"

"I don't know how severe their injuries are"

I lay back down. I still don't believe this, Zack couldn't have gotten into an accident. Not today, not on the day his son is supposed to be born. They really decided to do this today?

The nurse comes back in to check on me.

"You're at 9 centimeters, that means soon we have to start pushing." She says

"No, I can't. I have to wait for Zack. I can't do this without him." I say and cross my arms over my chest

"Ashley, honey. You can't wait the baby has to come out soon. " The nurse says

"I won't do this without him"

She sighs and walks away

Moments later Dr Wright walks in.

"Ashley, you have to start pushing. I heard about Zack, I know how hard this must be for you, but the baby can't stay in there. He could go into distress, you need to start pushing."

"No" is all I say

"YOU HAVE TO" Miranda screams

"Get her our of here now." I say

My dad walks Miranda out of the room, I guess I'm doing this alone.

My dad left with Miranda and didn't come back, I half expected him to come back in here with me.

I'm laying in the bed with my legs propped up ready to have this baby all alone with just strangers in the room. Nurses I don't know, a doctor I barely know. I wish someone was with me.

"Okay and push"

I push for 10 minutes and nothing. I expected this to be much easier then this.

"I see the head"

That gives me some motivation and I keep pushing.

It seems like its hours later before i see them lay my baby on my chest.

"Its a boy!" Dr. Wright says

Like i didn't already know that.

I look down at him and instantly start to cry He's beautiful, perfect nose, perfect lips. He even has a little bit of brown hair at the top of his head. He must get that from his dad.

That brings my thoughts back to Zack and how he wasn't here to witness the birth of his baby.

They clean the baby off and hand him to me, i look down at him and he opens his eyes. I start to cry again. At this moment i'm actually happy i didn't have my dad in the room with me. I was the first person to see him.

My dad walks in the room and puts his hand over his mouth. "I'm sorry, Ashley, I should've been in here with you for this"

I don't really care about what he's saying all i can focus on is how much the baby looks like Zack.

"What's his name?" My dad asks

I gasp, Oh my god. I completely forgot to pick out a name.

"I'm going to wait for Zack to name him" I say, it would be wrong to name him without Zack.

"Can I hold him"


I hand my dad the baby. He's a little small only 5 lbs 4 ounces, 20 inches long, but still perfect.

I'm so overwhelmed with joy and happiness with the birth of my son, but also really want to know how Zack is doing.

"Have you heard anything about Zack?" I ask my dad

"He's still in surgery, Dylan's out. Dylan is fine he just has a broken leg and had some internal bleeding, but he's going to be okay" My dad says

"But is Zack going to be okay?"

"I really don't know. They won't tell me anything."

This can't be good, I feel tears fall down my face. I just try to focus on this beautiful baby boy I just brought into the world. I can't think about anything else right now.

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