Chapter 4 - Postive or Negative?

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My Unplanned Little Miracle; Chapter 4 - Postive or Negative?

"Oh shit," I hear Lilly gasp, and I hear the slap as she brings her hand over to her mouth.

"Bianca.." Olivia whisperes, rubbing my back soothingly.

"Oh my God." I am finally able to speak, before my eyes tear away from the pregnancy stick, and instead stare at the wall in shock. "I-I'm pregnant?" As the words leave my mouth, I immediatly start to cry, covering my face with my hands. "How could I be so stupid!"

"Bee, it's not your fault," Lilly says softly, using their little nickname for me. "I mean, it kind of is, but it's going to be alright. You have us here too."

"My parent." I say, looking up at them, tears rushing down my face. "I can already see the disapointment on their faces, and now, now Dakota has a whole other reason as to why she's better then me." I away the hair that stuck to my face. "Oh God, what am I going to say to Dawson?"

"Lets not worry about him right now." Olivia responds, and I'm surprised by how scared she sounds. "Right now, you and the baby are more important."

"I think you should tell your parents when they get here." Lilly speaks up, and I sigh. "I mean, you need to go to the doctors so they can make sure everything's going alright.'

I nod, "I guess you're right. But I think I need to tell Dawson first. God, I don't know if I can do this guys. I'm not even seventeen yet!"

"You have us," Olivia says carefully. You can see  the fear in her eyes, but she still manages to make her voice sound strong as ever. "You have us."

"I-I have his number." I state slowly, before meeting their eyes. "Should I tell him I need to talk to him?"



They both say at the same time, and I sigh, before pulling out my iPhone.

Hey, it's Bianca. I really need to talk to you.

I show the girls first, waiting for their approval. When they nod, I hesitate, before looking away from my phone and pushing send.

The blue bubble shows that he has an iPhone too, so when I see the sign that says he's read it, and the bubble that shows he's typing, my heart skips a beat, waiting to see what he says.

My phone makes a little beep noise as his responce comes up.


I close my eyes and take a deep breath, not having the strength to respond, I had the phone over to Olivia, and I hear her typing a response.

"I just told him 'because'. I'm not sure what else I should say.." Olivia says softly, handing me my phone back.

"Thanks." I look on my phone, but he isn't responding. Setting it beside me, I reach over to grab a pillow from my bed, and press it against my stomach softly. "What am I going to do?"

Lilly hesitates before responding, "well, tomorrow you should tell him the news, and then you need to tell your parents. I'm sure they won't be happy, but I doubt they'll leave you on the streets to fend for you and your child by yourself. That is, if you keep it."

I shoot up and glare at her. "Of course I'm keeping it! He or she is my responsibility, and now that I'm pregnant, I don't think I can give him or her up."

It's quiet for a few minutes, before I talk again.

"What do you think the people at school are going to say? When they find out I'm pregnant?"

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