Chapter 15 - Happy Anniversary

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My Unplanned Little Miracle

Chapter 14 - Happy Anniversary

    I never told Dawson about what happened between Arianna and I, to save us all the drama. But, she's really starting to push my buttons.

    "Dawson!" Speak of the devil, " I just wanted to let you know, I'm having a party tonight, you should totally come!" She says, bouncing over to us, ignoring me completely.

    "Sorry, Ari. I'm taking Bee out tonight; it's our month three." He pulls me closer to him, and pecks my cheek. I shoot her a smirk when he's not looking.

    She pouts, "Please! It's my first party since I've moved here! And what's a party without the star quarterback?"

    "Sorry," I butt in, before Dawson can agree. "Maybe next time. It's our third month anniversary of  being together, and I want it to just be the two of us. It's more special that way." I shoot her a fake apologetic look.

    "Just come after whatever you have planned!" She practically begs, and I'm glad the halls are almost empty.

    "Can't. I want to spend all night with him, the two of us." I reply, hoping she got the deeper meaning between my words. Dawson sure did, because he gave me a heated look, clutching me tighter and pulling me closer - if that were even possible.

    She stomps her feet. Really? What are you, three? "Just come for like, an hour! Please, if you're not there Dawson, this will be the worst party ever!"

    He sighs, looking back and forth between me and her. "Fine, but just an hour."

    She squeals, "Yay! Thank you so much!" She gives him a hug, and I really want to wipe the smirk off her face.

    When she left, I turn and look at him in exasperation.

    "What?" He asks innocently. "I couldn't just say no!"

    "Yes, you could have, actually!" I all but growl, stepping away from him. "It's our third month being together! I wanted it to be special - just the two of us!" And it's true; I really did want it to be special with just us, pissing off Arianna was just a bonus.

    "I know, babe! I don't know what you want me to say, I didn't want to be rude!"

    "Sometimes, you have to be rude for people to get the point." I reply with a scowl. Turning away from him as the late bell rings.

    "Babe, wait," He tries, grasping my arm lightly.

    "Don't. Just leave me alone, Dawson." I say, blinking away tears. Thankfully, he listens and lets go of my arm.

    "I just don't get what the big deal is," Dawson says before I can leave. "It'll still be special. And we'll only stay there for, like, thirty minutes - an hour tops."

   "The big deal?" I hiss. "The big deal is this is supposed to be special! Just us! We've been together for three months, but it feels like this relationship is you, me, and Arianna! Hell, we might as well invite her too, since apparently she gets to decide what we do with our relationship!"

    "It's not like that," He runs his hand through is hair, clearly frustrated.

    "It is, and you know it." I look up at him, letting a few  tears break through. "Ever since she got here, she's been butting into our relationship and you know it."

    "It's just you and me!" He yells, and I'm thankful that class has started and the halls are empty.

    "God, Dawson! You're so blind! It's so freaking obvious, a blind person would be able to see that she likes you! Why do you think she's doing this?"

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