Chapter 11 - First date

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My Unplanned Little Miracle

Chapter 11 - First Date

Picture on the side is  baby at 14 weeks >>>>>>

dedicated to AlyTureven because I loved her comment on last chapter!(:

Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter! (the bolded part of the A/N is very important)


      "Look, it says here that at fourteen weeks, our baby can squint, frown, grasp, and grimance. He or she may also be able to suck their thumb." I say, showing Dawson.

    "Cool," he says, flicking his gaze to the magazine I was holding, before focusing back on the rode.

    The week had gone by fast, thankfully, and now we're going to the fair! I was dissapointed at first when I found out how long of a drive it would take to get there, but it's definatly worth it. After we go to the fair, we'll be spending the rest of the weekend in a hotel that was by a lake. But since it's almost winter, we'll just be staying inside the hotel since they have a pool as well.

    "I know, right? The baby's eyebrows are starting to grow, and is starting to get hair on it's head!" I read excitedly from the magazine. "Do you think our baby will have a full head of hair? I hope so, babies with full heads of hair are so cu-"

    "As great as that is, babe, I'm trying to focus on driving. So can you stop talking? I don't want to get in a wreck." He cuts me off, rather rudley, I might add. But I don't say anything, just nodding and continuing to read silently, my cheeks growing red.

    "Sorry.." I sniff, not trying to annoy him as I finish the magazine, grabbing another one, only this one had baby stuff; clothes, toys, cribs, etc.

    I feel his gaze on me for a moment before he sighs. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. It's just starting to rain, and there's bad traffic. I don't want to wreck." He reaches over and grabs my hand, gently rubbing his thumb across in soothing circles.

    "It's' okay," I sniff again. "I didn't mean to annoy you or anything. I guess reading this got me all excited.."

    "You didn't annoy me," he cuts me off again. "I'd just rather not risk my girlfriend and unborn child die because I couldn't concontrate on the roads."

    "Oh, well I was thinking, since we don't really have anything for the baby yet, that while we're here we can buy some stuff."

    He chuckles, "sure babe. We just can't get anything too big, I don't think we'll be able to fit a whole lot in the car right now."

    "Great!" I beam happily, forgetting about being sad when he snapped at me earlier. "I was thinking that we could just get some toys and clothes. Even though we don't know the gender yet. But we can get nuetral colors like yellow. Well, not yellow because I hate that color, but-"

    "Bee," he reminds me, an amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

    I blush. "Right, sorry. I forgot."  A few moments of silence pass by before I talk again. "Hey Dawson?"


    "C-can we, um, maybe stop by and get some pickles? And icecream." His face blows into a full out grin as he laughs.

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