Chapter 6- Telling Them

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My Unplanned Little Miracle- Chapter 6; Telling Them

I'm grateful for the silence as we drop Stephanie off at her house. She'd seemed to understand that we weren't going to put up with her whining, and was smart enough to keep her mouth shut.

"Thanks for the ride, Dawson." She says in her annoyingly high-pitched voice.

He doesn't say a word though, and as she gets out of the car, I open the back door and get out, before going back to the passenger seat.

"I want to tell my parents. Today." I say as we pull out of her driveway. I look at him out of the corner of my eyes and see him nod.

"Yeah, okay. But I think we should tell my parents first, and then we can tell yours."

I look up at him in surprise, "you want to be there when I tell them?"

The tip of his ears turn red as he focuses on the road infront of him. "Yeah, I mean, I don't want you to have to tell them on your own."

"So we're going to yours first?" I ask, wringing my hands in nervousness.

He nods, but doesn't say anything else after that, leaving us in an awkward silence. He reaches up to turn up the music a bit, making the situation a lot less awkward.

I've never met his parents before. What if they think I'm some no good slut? I mean, I'm not even dating Dawson, not even close, and suddenly we're going to his house to tell his parents that we're going to have a baby in nine months.

What if they decide to tell people? What if they call my parents, before we even have the chance to tell them ourselves?

Ugh. My parents.

What will they think? They'll probably kick me out of the house, and before I leave, I'll have to look at Dakota's smug face. She'll be more than happy to have me gone; and why wouldn't she? She'll be the main focus, as always. I don't get it. Maybe it won't end like that, though. I mean, my mom and dad got pregnant when they were nineteen - so they would understand, won't they? It would be really hypocritical for them not to accept it, when they were in the same issue nineteen years ago.

I draw myself out of my thoughts as we pull the car to a stop. I quietly open the car door, stepping out carefully, before we meet infront of the car.

"Are you ready?" He asks me, looking nervous himself.

I nod, "It's now or never."

He grasps my hand tightly in mine, and I blush slightly at the gesture. As we walk up to the house, my hands start to get clammy and sweaty, and I try to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest.

"Mom? Dad?" He yells as we walk through the doors.

"I'm in the kitchen!" A feminine voice yells back, and he tugs me towards the direction.

The women, whom I assume is his mom, turns around, and if it weren't for the current situation, I'd laugh at her. Her cheeks are red in frusteration, and she hasflour on her forehead and her nose. Her slightly greasy hair is pulled back in a tight bun, and she looked like she wanted to kill whatever is cooking in the oven.

"If I knew you were bringing over a guest, I would have cleaned up a bit." She says in frusteration, taking a wet cloth and whiping her face and hands. "I'm Dawson's mom, Claudine."

I shake her hand nervously, "I'm Bianca." I say softly, suddenly feeling even more nervous. She seems like such a nice woman!

"Are you staying for dinner? I'm just making my famous homemade noodles," she says proudly, tugging off her apron.

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