Chapter 10 - Just 6 more months

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My Unplanned Little Miracle

Chapter 10 - Just 6 More Months!


Photo on the side is  pregnancy at three months (13 weeks) >>>>>>>>


    Being three months pregnant, I'm finally starting to show! Minus the horrid morning sickness, everything with the pregnancy seems to be going great. And the small, barely noticable, bump of my stomach was proof that there was actually a living creature inside of me.

    "Okay, that's just nasty." Dawson comments as he walks into the kitchen.

    "It's not! Try it." I shove my salad at him, which was covered in ketchep. Yep, the cravings were weird. Just last week I'd been craving chicken quesadillas; it was the ONLY thing I ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    "I'm good. Thanks." He looks at the salad like something was going to jump out of it and attack him. Frowning, I take a bite, and find that it tastes fine, good actually, for someone who normally doesn't like ketchp. "I can't wait for your weird cravings to be done," he continutes. "Because that's just nasty."

    "They're not weird."

    He laughs, "two weeks ago you drank pickle juice. No water, just pickle juice. That's weird."

    I pat my stomach, "The baby wants what it wants," I say dramatically, finishing the last few bites of my salad.

    "Are you ready to go?" He asks, picking up my bowl and putting it in the sink.

    "Yeah. I'm so excited!" I shriek, getting up quickly and walking to the front door, throwing on a pair ofmy Ugg boots.

    Today, we're going to the doctors, where we will finally be able to see our baby again! Last month, when I was two months pregnant, we had an ultrasound, and even though it was hard to see my - our - baby, I almost cried from being so happy. And now, at 14 weeks, I would get to see him/her again. I refused to call my baby 'it' because I didn't know the gender. I either said 'our baby', 'the baby', or 'him/her'.

    Walking outside, I let out a small shiver as the fall's weather hit me. Not wanting to go inside to get a jacket, I tug my long sleeved shirt and run to the car.

    "You know," Dawson says as he closes the door on the driver's side and starts the car. "It might have been smart for you to bring a jacket. It's not summer anymore." He chuckles and pecks me lightly on the lips before pulling out of my driveway.

    "Maybe. But I can't waste another second! Hurry up!" He rolls his eyes lightly, but speeds up a bit as I practially bounce up and down in my seat.  I send a quick text to Olivia and Lilly, letting them know that we're on our way to the appointment, and they text back immediatly. Besides Dawson and I, they're the most excited about the baby.


    Yay! I want to see the pictures! We're coming by later tonight! Love ya(:

    I text them back, saying 'Okay', since they had both pretty much replied the same thing.Thankfully, the news of my pregnancy had died down and people were pretty much over the news, focusing more on the rumor of some Freshman who supposedly got an STD. But I still got looks from time to time, but nobody really said much after the incident that landed us (by us I mean my baby and I) in the hospital. Even my mom, who wasn't happy about my pregnancy in the beginning, was getting excited. She took the time to move Dakota to the guest room downstairs, so I could turn her room into a nursery for when the baby was born. When Dakota went down with a fight, my mom simply told her it would save me the time of walking downstairs to take care of the baby, since her room was right next to mine, it would make it easier. Of course, when Dakota continued complaining, my mom reminded her that because she was now an adult, she could move out. That shut her up real quick.

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