9. Colby

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Colby (Ian Harding)>
He's younger than his real age in this book so yeah...
Today was the day I had been dreading ever since I yelled at Claire.

I had to go see her at dance tonight and it was the first time I really didn't want to go.

I actually kind of wished dill would get sick so we didn't have to go but no luck.

Delaney was allowed to dance even with her cast as long as she didn't put any pressure on her cast.

After work, I went to my parents house and parked on the street because today was one of those days where almost all the kids my mom babysits were there, which was about 15-20 kids.

I walked in the front door and immediately was in chaos.

Kids were running everywhere and toys were scattered throughout the house.

"Mom" I called out and heard her reply from the living room.

I walked into the living room to se my mom holding Delaney in her arms while finding a show on tv.

Dill was awake but it looked like she had been crying.

I went over and grabbed her from my mom.

"Hi daddy" She mumbled against my neck.

I turned and kissed her cheek, tasting the salty tears on her cheek.

"What happened?" I asked my mom.

"One of the other kids took a toy from her" She said.

"I am very proud of you for stopping binkies but today I really needed it"

I laughed before kissing my moms cheek.

"You complained for so long about them and now you're encouraging them? Am I talking to my real mom?" I asked with sarcasm.

She just rolled her eyes.

"I love you mom and thank you for watching her"

"Yeah yeah love you too now go" She said with a smile.

"Say bye" I said to dill.

Dill shook her head before placing her head against my neck again.
When we got home dill was back to her usual happy self.

"Baby you need to get ready for dance" I told her.

She nodded before running up the stairs.

"Daddy come help" She called half way up the stairs.

I followed after her and I picked her up halfway down the hallway since she was crawling and I didn't want her to break her cast.

"Okay dill what do you want to wear?" I asked while opening her closet, where all her dance clothes were hanging.


She pointed from her bed.

I grabbed what she pointed at which was just a simple powder pink leotard.

"What else?" I asked.

She got up and ran to the closet specifically to a little rack in her closet where her tights were.

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now