11. Removal

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It's been two weeks and living with my parents has been very hard.

Harder then I remembered.

In the mornings my dad hogs the shower and then my mom does the same thing after my dads done.

By the time I get into the bathroom there's no hot water for dill or me which is frustrating.

"Mom let dill watch her show" I yelled from the kitchen.

My mom was trying to watch the news but dill wanted to watch Sesame Street.

"But I want to see the weather" She complained like a two year old.

Delaney started to cry since my mom wasn't changing the channel back to what she wanted.

"Mom NOW" I yelled.

I was trying to get breakfast ready and now I had to deal with Delaney crying.

Dill was really cranky today because she woke up late and that made her wake up hungry and wanting food right then but I couldn't do that since I hadn't even begun making breakfast and now my mom wouldn't let her watch her show.

The only reason I'm even home right now is because dill is getting her cast off in a few hours.

"Fine" My mom grumbled before putting Sesame Street back on.

Dill stopped crying and smiled at Elmo on the screen while chewing on her fingers something she started within the last couple of days.

I was watching my baby for a little bit until I heard barking and I looked down at Binkie who was at the back door so I went and let her out since our back yard was fenced in.

I put some food in Binkies bowl and then went back and started plating breakfast.

After I put the plates on the table I called my mom and dill in and then let Binkie back in.

I sat down and started eating while helping dill with her food.

After a couple of bites of her waffles Delaney pushed her plate away and when I tried to get her to eat a little more she shook her head.

"Dill, you said you were hungry" I said.

She shook her head.

"No more" She said while still shaking her head.

"Baby, please eat" I said with a sigh.

I was getting frustrated which had been happening a lot more lately.

She still refused and I huffed before turning back to my food.

Half way through breakfast the doorbell rang so I got up and went to answer it.

"Hey Braydon" Claire greeted when I answered the door and I smiled at her.

Claire and I had been texting and hanging out since our kiss two weeks ago and today she's going with me to get dills cast removed.

"Hi Claire"

She smiled before following me into the kitchen.

"CLAIRE!" Delaney screamed while kicking her feet in her chair.

Dill had come to love Claire.

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now