17. Mystery girl

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1 week later

"Lisa, hurry up" My dad called from outside the house.

My parents were finally moving back into their house.

Their insurance covered almost all of it and their house was fixed faster then they thought so today I was getting my house back.

"Kenneth stop it!" My mom yelled from inside the house.

"Can we please stop yelling? I just got dill down for a nap and I'd rather her not wake up after only five minutes" I said walking down the stairs.

"Oh Braydon I wanted to see her one last time before I left" She pouted.

"Mom you're moving out of the house not the country, you'll still see her almost everyday"

My mom huffed before picking up her purse.

"I love you Braydon" She said before kissing my cheek.

"Love you too mom" I replied while walking her to the front door.

Once she was out of the house I closed the door and set my head against.

I breathed out a sigh of relief that finally the house was quiet and calm again.

I lifted my head and turned away from the door when there was a knock on the door.

I opened it to see a smiling Claire.

"Hey" I greeted as I moved out of the way so she could come in.

I looked outside just in time to see my parents pulling away.

I closed the door and when I turned around I was attacked by Claire, well more her lips then anything.

After a few seconds she pulled away and smiled up at me.


I gave her a small smile before walking into the living room.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked as I sat down on the couch, she sat down next to me.

"I thought we could go on that date tonight, maybe spend it at Chuck E Cheese?" She said with a hopeful eyes.

"I can't..."

Her smile fell.

"I haven't been going to work much so I'm working the late shift tonight"

She pursed her lips to the side and nodded sadly.

"But could I ask you a favor?"

She nodded.

"Could you watch dill tonight?"

A big smile broke out on her face and she literally started to bounce in her seat.

"Of course!" She said before leaning in and giving me a peck on the lips.

"This is going to be so much fun" She stated.

"That's what you think now" I said.

She waved her hand at me.

"It'll be fine, I deal with ten to twelve four year olds at a time"

I gave her a tight smile because I knew Delaney could be a lot to handle.

While Claire and I watched tv I wrote down some instructions because I needed dill to still stick to a schedule.

"Okay here you go" I said handing it to her.

"If she is still hyper by 8:30 don't worry about it as long as she's asleep by 9:45 at the latest"

Claire nodded.

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now