14. The question

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I heard my name and my shoulder being shaken.

I slowly opened my eyes and peaked over to who was shaking me.

Claire was standing there, smiling softly at me.

I was about to sit up when she stopped me by pointing at my chest so I looked down and saw dill cuddled up on my stomach, fast asleep.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked softly.

"Your mom called me because her and your dad were going out on a date and you were asleep with Delaney so she wanted me to watch you two just in case"

I nodded while rubbing my eyes.

It was a long day.

After breakfast I went to work and got screamed at by customers and then I had to stay over for an hour and a half to cover one of my coworkers shift and when I got home Delaney was upset that I was late and she wanted to go to the park with Binkie so we did and I was just so exhausted when we got home.

"What time is it?" I asked and she looked down at her glittery watch.

"It's about six"

My mouth dropped.

I had slept for two hours!

"Your mom said don't wake you but I figured Delaney needed to eat" She said while blushing a little.

"But I brought dinner"

I yawned before thanking her.

It seemed like dill just knew the word dinner because all the sudden she was squirming around on my stomach and lifting her head while pushing her messy hair out of her eyes.

"Hi baby" I said softly.

She gave me a small smile before scooting up my body and laying her head against my neck.

I ran my hand down her back and I felt her body relax a little.

"Baby, do you want to go eat?" I whispered to her and she nodded.

So I gently picked her up and followed Claire into the kitchen where the food was waiting on the table.

I set Delaney in her seat, then pushed her plate closer to her which she was happy and immediately started eating her chicken tenders.

"Did you by any chance feed Binkie?" I asked since Binkie was begging for food at my feet.

"Yes I did, hopefully that was alright" She said and I nodded.

"That's really helpful and thank you for dinner"

She smiled while looking down at her plate of pasta.

Dinner was mostly silent because dill and I were still drowsy from our nap but it was a peaceful dinner.

When we were done with dinner I took Delaney up to bed because she was getting fussy even though she took a two hour nap not even an hour and a half ago.

"I love you daddy" She said before leaning up and kissing my cheek.

"I love you too baby" I felt something hit my arm softy so I looked to see Binkie looking at me expectantly.

"I love you too Binkie"

She seemed satisfied with that answer because she went to her normal sleeping area at the end of dills bed and laid down.

About a week ago, I started letting Binkie sleep in dills bed with her and it seemed to be working out okay so far.

After I kissed dills cheek I got up and closed the door only leaving it opened a crack.

I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen where Claire was putting the last few dishes away.

"Thank you for doing that" I said and she shrugged.

"It's no problem"

We stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before I suggested we watched a movie which she agreed to.

So here we sat on the couch with blankets and pillows all around us.

My back was against the arm rest and Claire's back was against my chest and three or four blankets were covering us and we were about half way through 'Inside Out', one of dills favorite movies as long as I skip over the part when Bing Bong disappears because she hated that part.

Claire and I had our hands interlaced and I was running my thumb over the back of her hand soothingly.

I noticed her eyes were starting to droop but I also noticed a few tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She smiled before bringing her free hand up to wipe the tears.

"It's just so sad" She said since it was the Bing Bong part.

"Dill hates this part" I said with a small laugh.

"I don't blame her, this is a kids movie it's supposed to be happy not sad" She said and I smiled at her complaint about the children's movie.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"I agree" I said with a small laugh.

All the sudden she sat up and turned so she was facing me.

I gave her an odd look since she was just sitting there staring at me, but before I knew it she was kissing me.

It took me a few seconds but I finally started kissing her back.

I brought my hands up to cup the sides of her head while she placed her hands on my chest.

We kissed while Bing Bong disappeared on the screen and once the scene was over she pulled back from the kiss and looked at me.

"I knew that would make me feel better" She giggled while she blushed.

I looked at her before leaning forward and kissing her again.

She responded immediately and somehow my shirt ended up on the floor.

I knew nothing was going to happen tonight because I didn't want anything to happen tonight.

I wanted to get to know her before anything serious happened.

Kissing isn't bad, kissing is a normal thing for me but ever since Delaney came into my life I was very cautious about sex and women in general.

I didn't want to use Claire or have her think I was using her.

"What's the matter?" She asked noticing I wasn't really paying attention to the kiss anymore.

"I don't want to go too far" I told her truthfully and she nodded in agreement.

"Braydon, I like you, like a lot and I hope you feel the same way..." She took a breath before continuing.

"Will you go out with me?" She asked bravely.

I looked at her and was about to reply when I was interrupted.

"Of course he will!"

I looked over to see my mom with a huge smile on her face and her hands clasped together in excitement.
I'm so sorry this took so long!
I had writers block and just couldn't think of anything to write and then words just started flowing tonight and here's this chapter which IM SO IN LOVE WITH!!!!

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now