Chapter 10 - An Unfortunate Encounter

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Author-Chan POV (Coz I can)
It was Lunch before you caught the three boys alone. And your prefect duties could have went better. All you had to do was monitor the halls. Sound simple? Not when you are the Wildcard. This is how it went:

*flashback to Prefect duties/end of last chapter.*

Remus's POV
As me, Lily and Y/N walked around the school, I tried to make some conversation.

"So...where about are we monitoring?" I smiled to Lily and Y/N.

"Well," said Lily, "As the only person here that wasn't late, I should kn-"

"Wait, Remus was late!?" Y/N interrupted.

"Only by two minutes," Lily continued, unconcerned, "As I was saying-"

"No, as I was saying," Y/N interrupted again.

She stopped mid-step and looked at me. I guiltily stopped walking and faced her. Lily watched on, amused.

"So, you were sighing at me for being late, when you were late yourself!?" Y/N said.

I started laughing.

"Maybe..." I sniggered.

"I hate you," she smiled, shaking her head.

"Let's just go, okay?" Lily said.

Me and Y/N nodded and followed her. We all had to monitor different parts of the school. Lily took the towers, I took the Entrance Hall and Great Hall and Y/N took upstairs. We split out different ways reluctantly; this wasn't one of the best prefect jobs.

Your POV
I bid goodbye to Remus and Lily and headed upstairs. The staircase moved into position and I quickly figured out the fastest route. As I walked up the many stairs, I noticed a group of 6th years at a landing. I didn't know them personally, but I recognised them. I had never spoke to them though.

I had finally reached the top of the stairs. The trip hadn't tired me, so I started to walk around the floor. The group were on the same floor as me. I made a beeline away from them, my hand on my wand inside of my robe pocket. I don't know why, but they made me nervous.

"HEY, WILDCARD!" A voice shouted.

I quickly spun around to see where the voice came from. It was a tall boy from the group of 6th years. A Hufflepuff scarf hung loosely around his neck and he looked a little shady. I pretended that I hadn't heard him, and continued to monitor the place. They didn't scare me.

"I'M TALKING TO YOU, Y/N!" He yelled as his friends laughed and whooped.

I stopped mid-step and faced them. There was about six of them. All boys. All either Hufflepuffs or Slytherins.

"Does there seem to be a problem?" I asked confidently.

They all started laughing at me. The shady looking boy walked up to me and looked me up and down. This wasn't good...

"The problem is you, Y/N." He breathed, "You see, this is our place to hang out. And we don't like prefects. So, I'm afraid you will have to leave before I use force."

He smirked at me. My wand was out of my pocket before he had finished the last sentence. I took a swift step back and pointed my wand at him. His friends laughed.

"There will be no using force from you." I spoke clearly, "If you threaten me again, then I'm afraid that I will have to use force."

His friends were hysterical now. He just smirked slyly and pulled out his own, abnormally short, wand.

"Is that right now, Y/N?" He taunted.

I nodded slyly.

"Yes, it is as a matter of fact," I snapped.

"Put that wand away, you don't know how to use it," he laughed. His 'gang' were crowded up behind him now.

"You want to bet?" I smirked. A rush of confidence, anger and impulse surged through me. I knew that I would regret it later, but I didn't care.

"Impedimenta!" I yelled.

The shady boy was knocked off his feet and couldn't move as the beam of light flew out my wand. He was strapped down to the ground, as if invisible ropes were binding him down. I was too quick for him. Ha, he didn't even have time to perform a counter curse. His friends had all now pulled out their wands and were pointing them at me.

"Stupefy!" One of them yelled.

But I quickly blocked it with a shield charm. I smirked at them.

"Is there a problem, boys?" I asked mockingly.

"Expelliarmous!" A small boy yelled.

I wasn't expecting wand flew out of my hand and across landing. It skidded to a halt at the edge of the stairs. Damn. The Impediment jinx had worn off the shady boy, and he was starting to stand up. The group started to close in on me, their wands pointed at me. I was about to run over and get my own, but the shady boy purred a few words.

"Don't even think about it, Wildcard."

The jinx had worn off. He was standing right in front of me, his gang looking menacing behind him. I was stuck. There was no hope. Until, a familiar voice called from the stairs.


It was a boy's voice. Moony's voice. I recognised it instantly. The group of boys turned around to face the sound. I took this chance to run and retrieve my wand, but as I was about to grab it, a beam of light streaked my way and a spell came out of the shady boy's mouth.


The curse hit me instantly. I had no time to dodge it. My last vision before I blacked out was a certain Remus Lupin firing spells at the group of boys. I saw a fuzzing Lily running up the stairs with a fuming tall woman, then darkness took me.

A/N: DRAMA MUCH! You are a tough lady, aren't you!? But what will happen next m8's? Next chapter coming very soon! Oh and cheers for 1.2K views and 100 votes.
- T x

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