Chapter 21 - The Christmas Present, and The End

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final A/N: yes, i'm still alive. yes, it's been years since i've updated this. i completely forgot about it, and moved on from this stage in my life. things end, and that's okay. but i suddenly remembered about this, and apparently people still read it, which is really nice to know. so i feel i owe it to people who are still in this stage of their life to finish this. it's a great stage, enjoy it. moreover, i recently turned 17. i owe it to my younger self to complete this. this is a story i began when i was at the very end of 12, wrote most of it at 13, a decent amount at 14 and have uploaded a chapter here and there across the years. so i started it maybe around 4 years ago? it's hard to know. but now, after a few years delay, it's time to finish it. i'd like to thank everyone who has ever clicked on this story and read it, because you've made my younger self smile, and my current self nostalgic and a little proud. if you actually enjoyed it, even better. i believe i began this chapter in june 2017, worked on it a bit in 2018 then abandoned it. until now at least. most of it was redrafted and written in one night, and the rest in the past few days. it's about time this story got an ending. so, enough of my rambling. i hope you are all well wherever you are, and thank you for the support you have shown this story across the years. hopefully this chapter is a bit less cringy, and serves as an ending of sorts. i never planned an ending to this, so i hope this is one. hey, let's hope it's a decent one. so, without further ado, on to the final chapter, and the end!
- T

Normal POV

Lily and Y/N jumped at the sound of a voice, and turned to the source with faces of shock. Laughing replaced the voice.

"Haha, you both alright there?"

It was James Potter. Who else would it have been?

He was sitting with his usual crowd: Sirius, Peter and Remus. It seemed he only had three friends. Or rather three brothers, and no friends. Unless you count Y/N and Lily, which I think the latter would not.

"Ah, yes, hello James," Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Was that really necessary?" Lily sighed in an exasperated but amused way.

"Of course," James smiled. A smile intended for Lily only.

"You can sit with us if you would like," Remus smiled kindly.

Y/N and Lily exchanged unsure looks.

"We would love to," Lily said to Y/N's great surprise.

Giving Lily a what-the-hell-do-you-think-you're-doing kind of look, she reluctantly sat down with her and the boys.

The boys were sitting in a booth which was really only meant for four bodies, but Y/N and Lily managed to squeeze in; Y/N uncomfortably close to Sirius and Lily shoulder to shoulder with James.

"Actually, I'll order us drinks," said Lily, "I'll pay," she added as James was about to offer to buy them.

"I'll come with you, we can split the cost," Remus suggested.

James tried to interject again.

"No, James, it's fine. We'll pay," Lily smiled.

Before James could have a fit of gallantary, Lily and Remus left. Leaving Y/N with the boys.

"Convenient," Sirius shrugged.

They all smiled. Y/N glanced behind them to make sure that Lily and Remus were definitely gone.

"Did you plan this?" she laughed at James.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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