Chapter 17 - Let's not pay attention to this lesson

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Normal POV (I'm aware it's been this POV for ages but I'll spice it up later on, you'll see *wink wink*)
With no other choice, Y/N made her way over to sit with Remus. When she was about to sit, her bright E/C eyes gave another quick scan of the classroom, like a final desperate hope to find another seat.

It's not that she didn't like Remus. But for some reason, she felt nervous to sit with him. He had been very nice to her, even with all she has done. She's not sure why yet, but she felt awkward sitting with him. Remus smiled as she took her seat next to him; they were in a row near the back, and were in the corner of Mcgonnagal's hawk like vision.

"Hello," Remus smiled at Y/N.

"H-Hi!" Y/N said a little over-enthusiastically, a quirk that came with her nervousness. Seriously thinking that she had social anxiety, she waited for Remus to reply.

"You seem in a good mood," said Remus.

"Not particularly, no," Y/N said truthfully, putting her head in her hands as her anxiety calmed at Remus's voice, "Can't believe Sirius and James have boyfriends before me."

Remus snorted a laugh. And Mcgonnagal stared at him.

"Mr. Lupin! Please pay attention to my lesson!" She boomed.

Remus nodded, but then smirked at Y/N who was silently laughing. They dropped their conversation to a whisper, not at all taking in the lesson.

"You're as witty as a Ravenclaw today. Can't believe you weren't one," Remus grinned at Y/N's jokes.

"The sorting hat didn't consider me as a Ravenclaw, actually. 'Said I'm smart, witty and unique. Apparently I had all the Ravenclaw qualities. But, it wasn't my house. Ha, it thought I was smart."

Remus's expression morphed into a frown.

"You are smart! You're top of the class in pretty much every subject! You're quiet though, so no one really notices. Not that that's a bad thing."

"Heh, thanks Remus. Not true, but I appreciate it."

"It is so."

"It's not".





"REMUS! Y/N! Will you two please be quiet!" Mcgonnagal yelled.

Y/N and Remus pretended to look guilty, but when Professor Mcgonngal turned away they collapsed into silent giggles.

As the teacher was writing on the black board, Remus leaned over to Y/N very discreetly and whispered to her.

"So, if the sorting hat said you wouldn't be great in Ravenclaw, what else did it consider you as? Like, what else did it say?" Remus asked quietly.

"To be honest, it seriously considered me as a Slytherin. Couldn't make its mind up. I was almost a Hatstall because of that."

"A Slytherin?" Remus repeated, "I'd never see you as a Slytherin."

"What's wrong with Slytherins? Yes, they have a bad reputation, but lots of them are very nice," Y/N shrugged.

"REMUS! Y/N! 10 points from Gryffindor for each of you for talking continuously in my class!"

Sirius's POV later on in the day
"So Moony," I began, "I heard you and Y/N got points deducted from Gryffindor in Transfiguration. How the hell did that happen?"

Moony smiled and shrugged.

"Hmm....." I said, "Were you....SNOGGING IN CLASS?" I yelled, making the whole common room turn around and look at us.

Remus coughed and spluttered.

"W-W...NO!" He yelled back, "I'm sorry Padfoot, but that was you and James."

I laughed, as per usual.

"For you information, we didn't actually snog."

"Yeah, you done something more." Remus smirked, winking obviously.

"Moony. No. Just no."

"You did though," Remus replies.





"Will you two shut it, please?!" whispered-yelled the voice of Lily Evans, "I'm trying to read!"

"Hmmm," I said, "Let me think about that. Ummmm NO."

A/N: It's a shorty RIP. Sorry for the chapter delay! And cheers for 11k! Also this chapter is really weird but ya know deal with it.

- T

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