Chapter 19 - Blank Memory

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A/N: The über cool bands-hp-marvel messaged me with this amazing idea for the book! I loved it so much I'm including it! Some of it shall be in this chapter, some in the next probably because I love it so much! Honestly it's the cutest thing ever, hopefully you will all like it! Thanks again, bands-hp-marvel I hope I write what you were thinking!

Another thing. The love shall happen very soon. I've enjoyed writing things everyone being friends, but get ready for the awkward love. Yes, has began.

Two more things: sorry this update has taken so long. AND 19K I MEAN WHAT.

- t x

Remus's POV
After double Care of Magical Creatures, I decided to question my friends about why they had all put a mandrake leaves in their mouths. We were walking to the Great Hall, and were nearing the gates.

"So, um, Padfoot?" I started as we walked up the yard.

"Yeah Moony?"

"What's with the leaf?"

"It's a new fashion trend, Moony."

"Oh okay - wait what?"

Y/N was sniggering with James, and Peter, as usual, looked up at us like we were gods. Confused by Sirius's answer, I went on.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"As you said on the train, Remus: Things don't always have to mean anything." Y/N smiled weakly, looking like she was going to gag any minute with the leaf in her mouth. Although, she still looked pretty cute.

James gave her an all-knowing kind of look, then turned to me.

"She's right, Moony. The leaves in our mouths aren't important."

"Bit weird though," I mumbled.

"Should we just tell him the truth, guys?" Y/N sighed, the Autumn wind blowing through her H/C hair softly.

"WHAT? NO - ouch, that hurt Prongsy," Sirius moaned as he was stopped by James stamping on his foot.

"Yeah, tell him Y/N," James sighed.

"This morning, before you woke up, we had some spare time before breakfast. So we decided to play a little game of truth or dare. Let's just say things got a bit extreme. For example, James had to kiss Sirius on the cheek. That was a rather brilliant dare from yours truly," Y/N smirked at Sirius and James, who were giving her death stares, "To sum things up, Sirius dared us all to keep a Mandrake in our mouths for a full month. We agreed, but only if he done it too," Y/N said confidently.

James's POV
Well, I guess Y/N is good at lying. I almost believed that lie. Although, Remus being Remus, didn't look fully convinced.

"That's a rather extreme dare, don't you think?" Remus laughed.

"Well, look at who asked the dare itself," Y/N smiled back, referring to Sirius.

We had now reached the Hogwarts gates, and were walking through the school to the Great Hall. Once we reached it for lunch, Y/N mumbled something about Lily and left smiling. Leaving just us four boys.

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