Chapter Two: He can go fuck a cactus, for all I care.

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c h a p t e r t w o

h e c a n g o f u c k a c a c t u s, f o r a l l i c a r e 


As soon as the meeting got over, I had to stay back to hand over the minutes of the meeting to Sebastian. Sebastian removed his coat and I could see his muscles flexing underneath that white shirt again.

'I can give it to him, you can go.' Beth said pointing to the papers in my hand. I nodded and handed them to her. The lesser I see them, the more sane I can be. I got up immediately and shot out of the conference room. Once I was outside, I took in a long breath of fresh air.

I saw Andrea waiting there, tapping her foot impatiently.

'Here's your black coffee, Le. You have some explaining to do.'


'Don't play dumb, I noticed the tension between Mr. Parker and you. And who the fuck was sitting in between you both?'

I walk towards my cabin ignoring her but she follows me. Remember me saying that she is the sanest employee here? I take my words back. She is still a 17 year old girl at heart.

'We are not in high school anymore Andrea, stop.' I rolled my eyes and Andrea glared at me. I sigh as she sits on my desk. Yes, Andrea doesn't like sitting on the seats provided.

'Oh, shut up. Maybe I should ask this to Mr. Parker himself.' Andrea starts to get down from the desk but I push her down. She can really do that, she wasn't just threatening me. I mean, she asked Kenneth once whether he was a virgin because of a bet with Ethan. I was really surprised when she didn't get sacked. But knowing Sebastian, he will sack me instead of her saying that I had something to do with it. That's what Sebastian's hobby is – blaming everything on me.

'Mr. Parker, Beth Rogers and I know each other from high school. And we had a bit of scandalous history on which I am not elaborating now. That's why the tension between Sebastian and I.'

Andrea starts smirking after I finish talking. I raise an eyebrow at her and she says, 'You say Sebastian with so much feeling. I like the way his name rolls off your tongue.'

I just roll my eyes in reply and pick up my intercom to call a bellboy to take the Johnson file to Sebastian. At the same time, my intercom buzzes and I pick up.

'This is Mr. Parker. I want the Johnson file in my cabin right now. Also, I have some work for you, come in my cabin.' Sebastian says calmly over the phone and hangs up without waiting for my reply.

'Please type my resignation letter whilst I go to his cabin.' I tell Andrea as I smoothen up my clothes.

'Sure. He is calling you, don't make him wait.' I hear Andrea shouting as I close the cabin door and then I hear her make some weird noises that faintly sound as two people smooching.


I knock on his door twice and I hear him shout at me to come in.

As I enter inside, I can't see Beth anywhere and I breathe a sigh of relief. I can handle one at a time.

'Here's your file, Mr. Parker.' I say handling the file to Sebastian. As he goes through the file, I take in the time to look around the cabin. The interiors have changed drastically. Kenneth had dark brown and beige interiors but Sebastian has changed it to black and white. The only thing intact is the white marble floor and nothing else.

The black wood desk has been shifted next to the huge glass window at the end of the cabin. The achievement and photos have been shifted to the other side on a white shelf.

I look at Sebastian after I am done looking at the nicely improvised cabin, only to find him looking at me.

'I was wondering if there is a cabin available on this floor for Beth?!' He says as I frown.


'Excuse me?'

'No, Mr. Parker. There is no cabin on this floor.'

'Well, in that case, Beth will shift in with you in your cabin.'

'Okay.' I say. I will not give him the satisfaction of messing up with me. He wants to trouble me, fine. He can go fuck a cactus, for all I care.

I turn around and exit the cabin. Like the boss ass bitch I am.

With Sebastian and Beth back, the high school bitch in me was starting to wake again. The bitch I had suppressed at the bottom of my soul in these seven years. And Sebastian would be the first one to experience my wrath.


Beth shifts her things over to the desk next to the door. I shifted my desk over to the window side. Her makeup box and things like that go into the first two drawers and I roll my eyes.

Thank you, Sebastian Parker. I couldn't ask for a better person to handle my duties with.


'You won't believe what happened!'

'I knew this was going to happen!'

'They had to, both are fuckers.'

I ignore the talks going around me and go straight up to Shay with my lunch tray. I looked around with Sebastian but he wasn't around. I frowned.

I looked at Shay who was looking at me sadly.

'Shay, what's up?'

'It's about Sebastian.'

'What about him?' I sat up straight and looked at her but she didn't say anything for a good two minutes, 'Shay, tell me!'


'LEAH!' I hear Andrea shout in my ears. I snap out of my trance and notice that I am in my cabin. I thought I was back in St. Xavier's.


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