Chapter 11

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Pain. That's all I felt as I sat breathless in a cracked open closet staring at my mothers lifeless body. Mouth hung open, eyes still pouring out useless tears, as every breath only caused more pain knowing this is my fault. She died protecting me, she died because of me.

The black cloaked intruders just stood over her, like she was beneath them. Then they left, they just left her there like a bug they stepped on. The blonde man laughed as he walked out then disappeared in the woods with the rest of them. But the boy who killed her, mumbled something under his breath so low I almost didn't hear it.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, then turned and ran to the others.

I sat there for a few minutes, too disbelievingly stunned to move. My legs like heavy stones, I almost had to crawled over to her. And there she was, even in death she was beautiful. I could feel my hands shaking as I picked her up and just held her. My tears begin to fall onto her face and I could swear I see a faint smile and that's all I need to start crying even harder.

My long hair falls over her face as I put my forehead to hers and just repeat "I'm sorry" over and over in a low and trembling voice and that's when I hear them, fallen tree branches being stepped on and broken, leaves left behind in the fast air.
Someone was running straight towards the house with such speed even if I did run, which I wasn't, I couldn't get away. I hear the glass break as they walk in and over to me. Then I hear a hard thud right in front of me and mom, all I could think about was " mom I'll see you soon" but I'm left with a hand rubbing my head.

I look up to see father with such pain and sorrow displayed on his face. He couldn't take his eyes off of mom, he just carefully picked her up and held her in his arms, then he started crying. Not tears he told me vampires can't do that, it was venom, he was crying venom. The stream of beautiful silver just poured from his eyes and onto mother. Each one leaving little burn marks where they fell.

" I'm sorry father, I'm so sorry." I say as I push myself to get up and go to his side absolutely terrified he would know this was because of me.

" No my little one, I'm sorry. We never wanted this for you. We wanted you to live a peaceful life. We wanted you to be proud of us and we failed you." He said slowly rocking mother back and forth, softly kissing her head as he cried.

"I am so proud of the two of you. Because of you I know what true love and happiness is. Because of your tireless efforts to keep me safe and happy, I know what sacrifice is. There are no greater parents than the two of you and there is no greater honor than calling the both of you, my mother and father. I love you daddy." I say pushing past the pain in my chest and the flow of tears down my face.

"Aww how sweet. The little mutt knows how to love." That mans arrogant voice surrounds us as it bounces off the wrecked walls and to our ears. I couldn't even hear them approach over the my loud heart beat and crying.

" You were right master, they are here." Jane says as she walks around the three men, she's then followed by the creature that killed mother.

" I'm sorry we had to meet again under such unfortunate circumstances brother." The man with the soft voice says.

"You of all people should know what this feels like Marcus. How could you do this, she's the love of my life and mother of my child and you took her from me!" Father yells to them.

"Speaking of which-" Aro is quickly kneeling down beside me as he takes my hand and pulls me towards him. Father acts even quicker, I don't even have the chance to snatch my hands away before he's already put mom down and we're standing by the door.

"Incredible! Even with death staring you in the face, you're still willing to die to protect your daughter." Aro says as he stands up and looks right at me.

"Please don't run brother. You're right I do know what this feels like and I know you don't have the strength to run away and leave her here." Marcus says to him as he starts to hold out his hand.

"Can't we just kill the girl and have Sebastian erase brothers memory, he is the most vigorous of us all." Caius says.

"My sweet reason listen to me, you need to run you hear me! Run and keep running until you've reached your godfathers house." Father says to me and never once takes his eyes off of them.

Jane tries to afflict her pain onto father but I'm already grabbing her by her hair with one hand and tossing her effortlessly into the kitchen. Sebastian tries to hit me from behind but and I just as quickly grab his head with both hands and twist my body around to were his head is propped on my left shoulder and swiftly pull until it pops off and I toss it to Aro's feet. I felt a sudden urge of life or death course through my veins, and with father here I felt like I had a chance.

"Well done my little one!" father gladly says to me.

We both take one step forward and so do they. By that time Jane is getting up and aiming for father again, I dash in front of her and grab her by the neck and slam her to the ground and see the cracks start to show on her face. Just as I'm about to snap it, I hear " Don't!" I look over and see all three of them holding father. I stop immediately and slowly stand up. My eyes go wide with fear and begin to tear up.

"Don't look at them my little one, look at me. I'll always be here for you my sweet reason to live, don't ever forget that, Always. I love you my baby." he said staring me in tearful eyes.

"I love you daddy." I say to him pushing pass the knot in my throat.

"I'll see you soon my love." he said looking at mom one last time then back at me and smiles.

The words weren't even out for more than a second before they ripped him apart. His body falls next to mother and I fall to my knees soon after. My breath is gone and my eyes burn from not blinking. I hear Jane stand up and walk over to me then she grabs the back of my neck.

"No! This one might be useful to us." Aro says.

"Kill me. Just kill me." I say in such a sad and weak voice ready to die.

"It's no fun if you ask for it. Oh and happy birthday." Caius says, then him and Jane let out a creepy short laugh.

That's all it takes for me to feel my body get hot as it feels up with absolute rage and pain. I feel the scream start from the pit of my stomach and up to my throat. It has to come out, so I let it. I soon let out a loud and vicious snarling ROAR!! The whole house shakes as it moves past the damaged walls and outside to the dark trees.

I look down and see the three of them staring at me in fear and disbelief. I look over and see my reflection in a broken piece of glass and even I'm in shock. Its mother in her wolf form, but when I don't see her beautiful brown eyes I know it's not her. Those golden brown eyes were mine, and so is the formidable wolf body. Pieces of my tattered clothes still cling to me as I take a step forward.

I let out another loud roar and brush past them. My body moves so fast they're all thrown to the ground by the powerful wind I leave behind. I'm already miles away before I stop on a ridge looking down at the house and all I can do is watch as they burn it down. The intense orange flames dance through my home then incinerates everything it touches.

Goodbye mother, goodbye father.

I say my final goodbyes and let out a long, loud and doleful-


I force myself to turn away and focus on where I need to go now. I run off into the woods and through the tall dark trees. Even though I'm miles away at this point, I can still hear the house burn and crumble with ever happy memory I've ever had along with it. But I don't have time to mourn just yet, she needs me.

Hang on Alice, I'm coming.

Crescent Moon: Aloura CullenWhere stories live. Discover now