Chapter 14

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  The man's shiny brown hair danced on his shoulders as he stared into my eyes with his bloodshot red ones. "She looks just like him, I wonder if this is Matt's kid, the one that managed to escape the Volturi." His thoughts flowed into mine.

"You were a friend of my father's." I said as he reached out to shake my hand.

  And just like with the others I could see it all, every adventure the three of them had, every battle they fought together, as though I was there. He met my father through Carlisle in 1781 during the siege of yorktown. They were all inseparable, right up until Carlisle decided to join the Volturi after my father had left. He wanted to be on the inside, just in case any orders went out to hunt down my parents, he could warn them of any immediate danger. They still remained friends but Garrett wanted nothing to do with the Volturi.

  Its thanks to Garrett we had a beautiful safe home to live in. He bought the house as a wedding gift to my parents. He knew what the Volturi was capable of, so he gave us a place they wouldn't just come across.
  "You were a good friend to my father, thank you." I say.

  "Your dad was one hell of a soldier kid, he saved our asses from a few fights with some other vampires as well" Garrett says.

  "Lets take this visit inside shall we." Carlisle says as he ushers us to the door, but before we can make it to the front steps, I stop everyone when I say "someone's here."

"Quickly get back!" Edward yells.

"We have nothing to hide son, who ever it is-" Carlisle starts to say.

"They found me." I interrupt with a quiver in my voice. I start to back away when Esme steps beside me and holds me close to her. Almost immediately I calm down enough to some up what happened on my birthday. The letter, my parents death, all of it until I almost started to cry and get hugged even tighter by Esme.

"Don't worry kid, no ones gonna hurt you. That's why I'm here, I heard around that they're asking some of Matt's friends i.e us, about where we think his kid might have run off too." Garrett says as he signals for someone to come out.

  The door opens and a beautiful women with short brunet hair wearing a knee length green beaded dress, comes walking down the front steps. She shakes her head at Garrett then runs off into the woods. She was his latest victim turned new born, he hadn't fed in a few days and she happened to be the first person he stumbled upon. When he asked her did she still want to live, even if it was like him, she didn't want to die this way and he quickly turned her before her heart gave out. The poor thing didn't realize, she would soon experience the most agonizing pain, she'd pray for death.   

 "She's a tracker, I gave her something I snatched off of Jane the last time we ran into each other." Garrett said, I zoned out once he continued talking, just the mention of that foul atrocious girls name was enough to infuriate me.

  I didn't know when but I knew I would be the one to kill her. I was going to make sure that sadistic excuse of a clan, was wiped off this earth. This wasn't just me being optimistic, I could see it. The vision was blurry, but I could still see it, a large muddy field with tall thick trees surrounding us. Loud thunder and lightening tearing through the gray clouds as rained showered down on the fight to the death between clans.

"You alright kid?" Garrett asked.

"She was having a vision, what did you see?" Edward asked as he looked around for any unwanted guest.

"There's going to be a fierce  battle between us and the Volturi." I say as Esme looks at me with worry being the only thing she can display. 

"When, can you see where its going to be?" Carlisle asked.

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