Chapter 4

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Welcome back to another chapter of Alpha Male.

I hope that you all enjoy and please leave a comment and VOTE!!

One other thing readers, Please check out @g1ane7xey who created the trailer for Sealed With A Kiss! Also check out that novel, and the trailer too! She did a great job and I would like to thank her for her HARD work!



Chapter 4


“How do you know your mate is here?” he asked and before I could even answer him, he repeated his other question. “Why are your eyes a bright white? You ignored that question.”

“I ignored it for good reason,” I told him before I answered his other question. “Plus I just know that my mate is here.”

“Well if you’re smart you wouldn't ignore it,” he said trying to go all alpha on me. His own men behind him seemed to whimper at his command, and so did Steve and my sister. I just stayed tough.

“There’s no way in hell you’re going to go all alpha on me sir,” I spat looking at him, my eyes raging with fury rather than glowing with want. “You perfectly know why, and how I know my mate is here so don't you dare start with me.”

When he heard that, his wolf seemed to take over. He let out a growl and took a few steps forward trying to tower over me even though we were both about the same height. Behind him, the three men stood there, paralyzed with fear. I bet no one had ever went against their alpha like I just did. Now they’re afraid to even find out the consequences of what I’d done.  

“You will obey your superior,” he yelled through clenched teeth. His hands that were by his thighs were making its way into fists, turning ghost white. He was even shaking in rage. I could tell that that was a pretty good sign to anyone that they’d gone too far, and if they didn’t back down now, they would be in some serious trouble.

Behind me Kiana spoke in a soft voice. “Lucas back down, you retard. As much as your wolf is trying to prove something, you back the fuck down, now. Otherwise you won't even have him as yours because he’ll kill you before that even happens.”

“And if he kills me he will be alone, forever.” I smiled, knowing full well I was right.

Just as quickly as I had said that, the alpha's hand came up, claws bared, as he hit me across the face cutting deep within my cheek. It was that hit alone that seemed to make my wolf crazed, wanting to attack back. I was about to swing at the alpha, but before it could even connect with the alpha’s face, someone else stepped in and took the hit. I had no time to react before I was pushed and pinned down into the dirt covered ground.

“You’re really fucking stupid you know that, Lucas?” Steve growled above me, his face bleeding a little.

Behind Steve, the alpha of the other pack was breathing deeply, looking pissed, but if you looked closely into his eyes, they seemed to simmered down into sadness. He tried to hide it as quickly as he could, as he ordered his men to leave and find this so call Derek guy. They were to find him and tell him to come here immediately while the other three stay back at the pack house. The three men nodded quickly, fear still in their eyes as they took off running towards the direction they had come from. Once they had all disappeared from the site, he turned his back towards us, his eyes directly staring at me.

“Are you asking to be killed or something!?”

I chose not to answer him. Instead Kiana started to speak. “No, he’s not trying to get killed. It’s his wolf trying to assert authority and his big ego taking over.”

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