Chapter 25

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Welcome back to another chapter of Alpha Male. As you may know this is the second to last chapter and I really hope that you all enjoy.

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  Chapter 25


I knew the end was coming—could feel it through my fingertips and the shallowness in my breath. My heart raced trying so hard to pump the needed blood throughout my body even when there was so little left, and my lungs burned trying to force the oxygen I so desperately needed to survive. I didn't want to die, and yet it beckoned to me. Death called to me even in the silence around me, and even though I could hear his voice loud and clear I still kept moving closer to her.

It was like she was singing to me. Her voice so soft and so sweet and her eyes so welcoming. They just seemed to call to me, but it wasn't her voice I heard. It was his voice.

“Josiph get up!” he called desperately. “Get up, damn it.” He sounded so close to me, and yet so far away at the same time. I wondered if he knew death called for me, but then again maybe that was why he was yelling so much. It didn't really matter why he called because I couldn't even seemed to move my legs, let alone feel them. “Move!”

“Geez, Lucas,” another voice came. It sounded like Derek but I wasn't that sure. Then again, I wasn’t sure of anything except for the singing in my head and how close she kept getting to me. She was so pretty. Her eyes glowing with love. I wondered what she would do when I joined her. How life would be—would there be a life?

“He needs to move.” It was Lucas again. I knew his voice from the back of my head. My mate. The only one who could see me, and be happy with me. With him my life was complete, but without him I had nothing. I was nothing without him.

Death moved back a little thinking about him. She didn't seem to like the thoughts I had of him. The memories, and even though there were only a few of those, I still wanted more. Would I have the chance to gain more memories of him, or was this the end?

“We know this, but he won’t,” Derek said, sadly. Won’t? What is Derek even talking about? “His rib is broken and he punctured his lung. He’s lucky to still be alive as it is,” Derek went on confusing me even more, and death came closer again.

Were they talking about me? Surely not because if they were, I would feel something, wouldn't I?

“And if he doesn't move he won’t be alive soon,” Lucas said, as I heard the break in his tone. It looked like he would going to cry.

“And if you don't calm down we’ll have to restrain you,” Derek rushed quickly. Why would they have to restrain him? Something had to be going on around me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Silence came after that and I wondered if it really was the end. Was Lucas waiting for me beside death? I couldn't see him, but he had to be there. I swore to myself that I would never leave my mate’s side, so he must be there.

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