Chapter 23

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This is one of the last few chapters of this novel, and I really hope that you all enjoy!

Don't be afraid to leave a comment on your thoughts!

Also I know that I said there were only a couple of chapters left, but I have seperated this chapter into three different parts. After that there will be one final chapter and possible a prologue of the next book.

Hope that you all enjoy and PLEASE leave a comment!



Chapter 23


It was finally the night of the full moon and the alpha battle. Our group of twenty-four members from the pack were standing in the middle of the large clearing where only an hour ago stood the newly transformed teenagers from the pack. Now we stood, waiting for Lucian to show up with his group of wolves before the battle.

“Do you know when he’ll show up?” Zach asked walking up to the right of Josiph and I. We were standing in the middle of the clearing, hand in hand waiting for Lucian to show up through the western side of the clearing. It had only been a couple of minutes since everyone parted, but it felt like hours since then.

“If he’s as serious about this battle as he claimed to be, then he’ll show up soon,” Josiph replied turning to Zach. “You do know that you’re not expected to be here, Zach right? I mean your son just found his mate during the phase. Everyone would understand if you went home to be with your family.”

Zach sighed before speaking. “I know I should be home celebrating the news with my family. We grew up together Josiph, and I'm not about to turn my back on you when you stuck up for me. You will always come first during situations like this.”

During the hour of transformation, Hunter was able to find his mate in Trista who was finally able to take her transformation after healing from a broken leg. The two of them then left after the pack run to go to Hunter's house where the two families would talk about the upcoming events. As tradition goes, Trista and Hunter are able to date, but mating is off limits until they reach the age of eighteen, but until that time a house would be built by the combining families to welcome the newest member into the family. Trista and Hunter would both have to understand that pack members will be watching out for the two of them until the age of eighteen.

Zach however was missing all of this important planning with his family to be here for Josiph during the alpha fight, and that in itself was a big sacrifice on Zach's part. He would expect a follow up conversation with his family about what went on, but other than that he would be missing out until the building of a house began.

Nodding, Josiph clapped his hand on Zach's left shoulder. “Thank you man,” he said with a genuine smile.

The three of us stood in the center of the clearing for another twenty minutes before the first scent of Lucian came to us. During this time Derek took a stand on the right of Josiph were only moments before Zach had been. They had switched places so fast that it would have been impossible to know that Zach had even stood next to Josiph. Still, instead of Zach, Derek stood beside us now. He stood with his legs, shoulder length apart, and his hands locked behind his back. He had no expression on his face, and just seemed to stare off into space in front of us.

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