Chapter 18

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Welcome back to another chapter of Alpha Male.

This chapter has probably been one of the hardest chapters I have written. Still I hope that you all enjoy!



Chapter 18


His lips were as soft as silk when I’d kissed him. His breathing shot rapidly when I’d pulled him closer, hearing a groan from him. Our hearts seemed to combined as one with our kiss and the world just seemed to disappear completely from our view. The kiss seemed like one of those fairy tales where everything around us didn’t matter when sharing a kiss with that special someone. But, this wasn't a fairy tale, instead it was our reality. That is until Kiana decided to barge in on our parade.

“Holy crap! They've actually kissed!” she cheered loudly enough for everyone in the house to hear and quite possibly anyone who was close by. She was standing in the doorway of the living room when she spoke, and in seconds everyone was beside her talking about the kiss she had just mentioned. Not everyone had even seen us kissing and yet it was like they had been there the entire time. It was like high school all over again except without the teenager’s part.

“It's about damn time.” Derek laughed, cheering his friend on. He was standing just behind Kiana with a smile on his face as he stared at us just seconds after we had separated from our kiss and stood side by side, a bit embarrassed.

“Seriously!” Steve said just after Derek. He had pushed his way a bit passed Derek and closer to Kiana, “It's been like forever.”

Maggie and John said nothing, which I was grateful for, but I knew they were thinking something even if they didn’t say it out loud. “Guess there’s no privacy in this house.” I laughed taking a step away from Josiph so that I could look up into his eyes. He had a smile on his face and his eyes sparkled.

“In this house there’s never any privacy.” He laughed, before pulling me back towards him for another kiss. This kiss was way better than the first kiss we’d share just moments before, leaving me feeling breathless and dizzy. When we had finally pulled apart from, I was struggling to stand on my own two feet. The world was spinning around me, and my ears were ringing as I held onto Josiph's sturdy frame. “Are you okay?” he asked with a laugh.

“I will reply to that when everything stops spinning,” I said, when my vision started to come back and the ringing in my ears disappeared.

Josiph stared at me for a few seconds before saying, “when are you going to tell me why your eyes glows like that?” he asked his finger running gently across my cheek as he looked into my eyes.

“In my family, my eyes will glow when I have found my mate,” I told him, standing up carefully. “However the full story to that will come later.”

“Just like the fact that I’d seen a white wolf in your house on the night of the full moon,” Josiph said making me freeze in place. I didn't want to look at Kiana but I knew she was there listening in on what Josiph was saying.

“Yeah, you’ll find out about that soon enough as well, but not right now.”

He nodded but moved closer to me anyways whispering in my ear, “You don't have to hide forever.”

“Hiding is all we've done,” I whispered back before pulling away from him waiting on a reaction he never gave me.


Two days after the kiss we were sitting in the living room of Zach's and Diane's waiting for Hunter to show up from school. By now everyone had heard of the kiss shared between Josiph and I, so it wasn't much of a big deal to be seen by everyone together. Actually, I think everyone was expecting us to be seen together even though we had never really fully mated with one another.

I think everyone in the pack thinks it’s good enough that their Alpha had found his mate no matter who it was, and that things would get better from here on out. I only hoped things would get better in the pack.

“Thank you for being here,” Zach was saying to Kiana. He had been staring at Kiana since we first entered the house but had refused to say anything until now.

“Thank you for having us here,” Kiana replied with a smile.

“Hunter shouldn't be much longer. We told him to come home right after school ended.” Diane smiled even though she was still staring at the front door waiting for her son to come home. She was squeezing onto Zach's hand even as she said the words hoping that Hunter wouldn't take much longer.

Josiph nodded in understanding, and we sat silently for another three minutes before the front door actually opened and Hunter came in. “Sorry I'm late mom,” Hunter apologized, hanging up his school bag and jacket on the coat rack behind the door before heading into the living room.

Diane nodded, waving his apology off. “This is Kiana and Lucas,” she said pointing first to Kiana then to me. “Kiana will be the one mostly working with you, but during the times when you have to go into the forest behind the house, Lucas and Josiph will join her. A few other members might also join in as well, but for now it will just be Lucas and Josiph.”

“Alright, thank you." He grinned. “Even though I barely know you from my own experience, I have heard plenty from the others in the pack.”

“Well, I hope you heard only good thing,” Kiana said with a laugh making Hunter smiled even wider.

“You’re not a doctor, are you?”

“No.” She shook her head. “Of course not.”

“So that means we won't be doing all the things my old doctor kept recommending me to do?” he asked, curiously. I could tell by looking into his eyes that whatever his old doctor had told him to do, he didn't like, and he was hoping that Kiana wouldn't tell him to do the same things.

“Well, I’m not sure what your old doctor had you do, but I can assure you that I won't be doing them,” she responded, leaning towards him. “If I do however, please let me know and I’ll fix it.”

“Okay!” Hunter sounded excited already. “So when are we going to start?”

“We can start whenever you want to, Hunter.”

“I'd like to start now, then.”

Kiana nodded. “Well, our first meeting will be here with your family, if that’s alright? Mostly this meeting will be just to get to know you and your family before moving forward.”

Zach shrugged. “That’s fine with us.”

“Then let’s get started then.”


This chapter is rather short, but I hope that you all enjoy either or way.

I also didn't want to get into the whole what they will be talking about while getting to know Hunter and his family. That would just end up being a boring read, and all of that information isn't that important either.

Tell me what you think!



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