Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I was standing in the kitchen just waiting for my father to actually say something, but nothing came. Instead he refused to even look at me, and that hurt even more. I knew what he was thinking though, and what he wanted to say. He just couldn't get the right words out of his mouth. It was almost torture waiting for him to speak, but he said nothing. Even my mother said nothing and she was standing next to him. Knowing her, she thought that if she spoke, everything would be ruined and the whole conversation would be lost. I wasn't exactly sure what to say either, but I knew I had to say something. Anything would be better than the silence that was going on.

Taking a few breaths I finally decided this was it before letting the words spill from my mouth. “I know what you’re going to say father,” I started and waited until he was looking at me before I continued. “And before either of you actually say anything I would like to say one thing. As you probably already heard Lucas is my mate or at least that’s what my wolf keeps telling me. I’m not sure what his wolf tells him, but I’m pretty sure he says the exact same thing to Lucas. I’d never asked him about it though. The second thing I would like to say is that I’m nervous as hell, and I have no idea what to expect of this.” I paused, before saying the rest. I knew just how much these last words would mean to my father, but I wasn't saying them just for him. I was also saying them for myself. “As much as I would like to hide away like I used to when I was a child, I know that I can't do that anymore. I have to face this head on some time or another even if it scares me.” Even though I was scared, I knew I wasn’t alone. Everyone has fears, including alphas. Just look at my father, even though he was considered one of the strongest during his time, he was deadly scared he would mess up somehow. All alphas have this fear, including me.

At the end of my speech my father smiled. “At least you’re able to admit it even to me.” He stopped, probably thinking about what he’s going to say next. “I know that you’re nervous as well. I can see it in your eyes, but I can also understand it as well.”


"For one you’re a new alpha, so that alone is probably stressful. Two, there’s not one book in the world that would even describe anything about two men, being mates. I don't even think it happened in history before.”

“Then why me?” I asked. “If it has never been in any wolves’ history, why would it happen to us?”

“I’m sure you’ll have to find that out on your own because even I, have no idea why, but there’s a reason, I’m sure,” my father answered. “Why don't you start by talking to Lucas? Maybe he has some answers that even he doesn’t know he has, and even if he doesn’t, you’ll figure things out eventually.”

“Yeah. There’s a reason for everything, my son,” my mother spoke up in a tiny voice acting shy about saying anything at all. I could understand why because my mother didn’t speak much, except when she’s spoken too or when she’s needed for a scolding of a young female in the pack, or even a youngster at school which she’d taught.

“I know there is, mother.” I smile toward her. “I just wish they would give me a hint on why this is happening.”

"Eventually you’ll get your hint, but for now you have to figure things out on your own,” she said before adding in an even lower voice, “for now just speaking with Lucas and figure things out together. Even if you don’t officially mate which you shouldn't do for a while anyways, but you can still talk.”

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