(3) Party and Promises

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After correcting my alarm clock last night, when I wake up earlier than usual, I know it's because I can't sleep. Or it's because I want to, but I'd go with the former. I decide to get up and take a warm shower. When I'm done I walk over to my wardrobe. I pull on a navy blue jumpsuit with white converse and leave my hair loose.

"Morning, everyone," I say, walking into the kitchen. I'm still quite tired, so I'm not as chirpy as you'd think.

"Look who's up early," Jack teases. I scowl at him.

"Is someone miserable because they didn't get enough sleep?" Mom says, teasing me too.

Gratefully, dad places a fresh stack of pancakes before me. "Thanks, dad," I say.
Food is the only thing keeping me motivated. Food is my one true love. I mean, food and I are relationship goals.

"You guys are mean," I say, stuffing my face with dads heavenly, homemade pancakes. They all chuckle. "Fine, go ahead. Laugh at my pain," I say, throwing my hands in the air. That's my family for you.

After finishing my pancakes, I take my plate to the sink and wash my hands. "Bye, everyone," I say, grabbing my keys and phone off the counter as well as my books. Quickly, I get in the car and drive to school.

Once I've collected my books from my locker, I make my way to Hannah's. Rose and Alex stand there too. "Az, you're early," Hannah says, enveloping me in a hug. Rose and Alex hug me too. "Yeah, yeah. It's nothing special," I say, waving it off.
"So, how's Grayson?" Hannah asks, wiggling her eyebrows. I glare at her. "What's she talking about?" Alex and Rose say, together. Hannah opens her mouth to reply but is silenced by something behind me. And it's not just her. The whole hallway goes silent and I see people direct their eyes to us. "Az," Hannah says, a worried, kind of nervous look on her face. Slowly, I turn around and Grayson Lively and his crew stand before me.

"What do you guys want?" I ask, slightly irritated that these guys are causing a scene, and involving me.

"Azacia Jones, you're invited to my party. Tonight at 20:00. Oh and, bring your friends with too," he looks over my shoulder at grins at them behind me. I swear I hear Hannah swoon.

For the benefit of everyone around that's watching, I force a smile and say "See you there," Grayson grins and him and his crew begin to walk away. And just like that, everyone begins to gossip about tonight.

"What was that?" Alex asks, confused, shocked and angry. Hannah squeals. "We just got invited to Grayson mother-effing Lively's party,"

"Yeah, we're not going," I say. Hannah's face drops. "What? Why?" I deadpan. "Why would we go?"
"Because it's Grayson's party and he personally invited you," she says, like its pretty obvious.
"Well, I'm not going," I say, again, more adamant this time. "Ohh, yes, you're going," she says, dragging me off to English. Yes, that's right. I have English with this girl.

Save my soul!


When the lunch bell rings, I'm grateful, because today is Pizza day! Say what you want about cafeteria food, but our school makes one of the best pizzas ever.

Sitting down at the lunch table, I begin stuffing my face with pizza.
"I thought you were on a diet," Alex smirks from beside me. "Screw diets. Pizza is pizza and everybody knows about my affair with food," I say.

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