(21) Heat Festival \\ three

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|| AZACIA ||

"What were you two doing while we were out?" Grayson laughs, as we walk inside the tent.

Hannah and Darren lie on the floor, heads touching, eyes closed.
"As long as it wasn't on my bed, I give my permission." I say, a smile on my face.
I feel a pillow hit the back of my head and I laugh.

"Darren. I'm going for a drink, you wanna come?" Grayson asks.
Darren's eyes snap open and they exchange a look.
"Sure," he says, springing up from his position on the floor.
Like that, they're gone.

"Hannah..." I drawl out. "Are you and Darren a thing?" I grin beside her.
She sighs. "Honestly, Az. I don't really know."

At that, I become a little worried. "What's going on?"
"Okay, well we kissed once and ever since then, we haven't really spoken about it. Now all we do is talk and hang out. I don't know if he likes me like that or..." she throws her hands up in exasperation.

"You guys need to talk about it. It's crucial. You need figure what each of you want from this 'relationship'." I tell her, putting air quotes around relationship.

She sighs yet again. "I guess you're right."
"I always am." I say, walking back to my bed.
"Not when it comes to Grayson. You're so oblivious- he likes you."

At this, a laugh escapes my lips.   
"Grayson Lively will never like me." I state.
"Other than that, I'm going to bed." I mumble.

Quickly, I change into pajamas and climb under the covers.

Grayson Lively does not like me.


"Hiking?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
Grayson smirks back at me.
"So one of the events that this place holds is hiking? As in physical exercise?" I groan.
Grayson chuckles. "I promise I'll catch you if you fall."

Inside I manage to swoon, before heading off to the bathroom. I take a quick shower before changing into a black crop top and black work out shorts. I add my pink jogging shoes and make my way outside.

Grayson is already changed into a tank top and shorts.
"You ready?" He asks, a genuine smile on his face.
"I guess," I say, a nervous smile playing at my lips.

"Bye, Han!" I shout, a smirk forming on my face.
With that, we head outside.

Quickly, I tie my hair into a pony tail and we begin making our way in the direction of our 'tour guide'.

We receive a map from the cute boy at the gate and we're left to make our way to a beautiful view.

"It's more of a treasure hunt than a hike," Grayson tells me.
"What's this so called treasure you speak of?" I grin at him.

"It's a surprise. I guess you'll find out soon enough." He says, throwing the map in my direction. I catch it with ease and try to find out where we are.

"So we're at the entrance, which is here. And we need to be there," I point, showing Grayson.
"Lead the way, Ariel."

I do a small curtsy and try and begin to navigate the way.


"I think we're lost..." I say, turning around to face Grayson.
"You really shouldn't leave a mermaid in charge," I smile, sheepishly.
"You know what?" Grayson says, taking a step closer to me. "I think this mermaid's done just fine."
With that, he spins me around and I gasp.

"Breathtaking," I whisper. Literally.
The view really is amazing. The sky is a light shade of blue and there isn't a cloud in sight.
The view overlooks beautiful wildlife and a variety of colorful plants.

Both of us stand there, lost in the moment. I feel the need to speak to Grayson right then, but instead he turns to me instead.

"We should get going," he says, walking off in the direction we came.
Startled, I nod in agreement. "Yeah, yeah." I mutter, falling into step beside him.

"So Hannah and Darren?" I ask, trying to break the silence.
"Yeah. They kissed." He tells me.
"So I've heard,"
"Listen Grayson. Your friend better not break Hannah's heart, because if he does he'll face the wrath of Azacia Bella Jones."

He chuckles. "I mean I'm routing for my friend and all, but I'd like to see his ass kicked."
I break out into smile and just like that, the tension dissipates.

"So, Azacia Bella Jones, huh?" Grayson says, nudging me gently with his shoulder.
"Shut up," I roll my eyes.
"I think it's kinda cute." He tells me.
I think you're kinda cute.

"Please don't turn this into a thing," I pout.
"Oh, I'm making it a thing," he smirks.
I internally groan.
"But in exchange, I'll tell you my middle name,"
At this, my ears perk up. "Shoot."

"Diego," he blurts out.
"Diego?" I ask again. "That's a hot name,"
Grayson laughs, a tinge of pink evident on his face.
Am I making him blush? Probably not.

"Thanks," he says.
"Grayson Diego Lively," I say, the words rolling off my tongue.
"Azacia Bella Jones," he counters.

"You know, now that I think about it, Bella is pretty close to 'Belle'," Grayson says. "I knew we were meant to be. Beauty and the Beast."

You're not a beast.

I force a laugh. "Don't kid yourself, Lively."
"Aw, c'mon. You know you love me," he grins, wiggling his eyebrows.

Just maybe I do. I'm not far from it.


new developments...

quick note: i've decided to cut chapter 4 of heat festival and go straight to the last day. (day 5)

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