(24) Friends

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|| AZACIA ||

"Azacia, it's time to get up, sweetheart."
Maybe if I lie still enough, she'll go away.

I fake a cough. "I don't feel well," I tell her.
I hear a sigh. "Get well soon," she says, opening the door.

Later then, dad, Jack and Josie all come say goodbye to me. Once I know they're all gone, I feel a single tear shed down my cheek.

I throw my blankets off me and walk to the bathroom.

Stop crying.




I pull the blanket off my bed and make my way downstairs. I plonk myself down on the couch and grab the remote for the TV.
Most people watch The Notebook when they're sad, or something like Dear John.
But I decide to watch a comedy, because I really want to able to laugh.

I scroll through the list of channels, finally finding Friends. My favorite TV show ever.
The one with the jellyfish is playing, and I realize this is one of my favorite episodes.

Chandler and Monica were always the original goals. Who would've peed on me if I was stung by a jellyfish?
Not Grayson, that's for sure.

You're overreacting.

Normal people don't react this way over a crush. So your crush likes someone else, what are you gonna do? There's nothing you really can do.

But, that's not it. Grayson wasn't just a crush.
He was sweet, kind and loving.

And now he's a jerk.
Kissing me one day and another girl the next day.

Guys like him don't deserve my tears.

So I continue watching Friends and finally, a beautiful (not so beautiful) laugh escapes my lips.

A knock on the door then, brings me out of my Joey haze.

Maybe if I keep quiet, they'll go away.

"We know you're in there, Az,"
Immediately, I know it's Hannah. I groan and make my way to the front door.

Once I've unlocked it, they all walk inside.
"Why aren't you at school right now?" Alex asks.
"I could ask you all the same question,"
"We came to see you," Rose explains.
"We knew if you weren't with Grayson, you'd probably be at home," Hannah says.
I shudder at his name.

"Are you sick or something?" Alex asks, a worried, yet confused look on his face.
I think about lying to them, but I know they'll find out soon enough.

"Grayson and I kissed, but before anything else happened, he told me it was a mistake. The-"
"That bastard," Rose says. I've never heard her swear before. Alex wraps his hand in hers and traces circles along it to calm her down.
They really are cute.

"And then yesterday, I saw him kissing someone else," I finish.
When I look, Hannah is on the phone and Rose and Alex are trying to comfort me.

"I already ordered the pizza," Hannah says.
"I'll get the ice cream," Alex joins in.
"I'm in charge of blankets," Rose says.

Everyone scurries off in different directions and I'm left to think.

I have the best friends ever.


Short chapter today, and not many developments.

Do you guys think she's over Grayson?

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