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I had always been a good girl.

I followed what daddy said, submitted my homework on time, helped with the house chores, and took turns making breakfast.

Like I said, I had always been a good girl. However, my life changed when I met Adam.

I'm not even a part of the high school social hierarchy, but I'm not an outcast either. You've heard of the jocks, the nerds, and the wannabes. Well as for me, I just belong in the 'everyone else' category aka average but cool.

So I had no idea why Adam, our famous high school's football quarterback, asked me to be his girlfriend. Me being 18 and oblivious, would of course say yes to him. Adam was my first boyfriend, not my first kiss, but the first guy I slept with.

I never told my dad about our relationship, and maybe I should have. Because now, looking at the pregnancy test in front of me, it reminds me that I'm no longer my daddy's good girl. Like, my actual dad, not sugar daddy you pervs. Though sometimes I think I do have a daddy kink, but that's a story for another time.



How am I supposed to tell Adam about this?

Suddenly I heard my bedroom door being open. My dad's head peek inside as he said, "Sweetheart, I ordered pizza for dinner. Come down so we could eat together."

My eyes were teary and I didn't want my dad to see so I quickly blink back a tear and discreetly pushed the pregnancy test under the pillow.

Oh god please don't let him see.

I'm a good girl. I'm a good girl. I'm a good girl.

"Sure dad, I'll be down in a minute."

"You okay?" asked my dad. "You look a bit pale, and-- were you crying?"

It's been 5 years since mom's death. It was hard for me to accept her death but my dad has been very supportive throughout these years. After all he's the only family that I have.

"I'm okay dad, and no, I'm not."

"Are you sure? You can't lie to this old man, sweetheart."

I smiled a little, "You're not that old, dad."

"Would you tell me what's wrong?" he asked while leaning forward to study me closely. "You don't look too good."

I tried to stay calm under his gaze.

"You're my only daughter and I vowed to your mom and myself that I will protect you." That's what he always said to me.

When I remember his words, I can't help but cry. Telling him about my pregnancy will cause a great pain. It will make me feel flawed and unlovable, when all I ever wanted was to feel loved and accepted.

"Dad, I-I'm..." It's hard for me to tell him that I'm pregnant. I don't want to break his heart.

My dad took my hand and squeezed it, "Hey sweetheart, it's okay you can tell me anything. Just let it out. Did anybody hurt you?"

I decided not to tell him. He would be so sad knowing that his only daughter is pregnant at such a young age.

Besides, we are not financially stable at the moment so I don't want to add his burden and let him stressing out on how to help me to raise this child.

"It's nothing actually. School is just stressing me out, that's all. Besides, it's my senior year so you know..." I told him, hoping he didn't see through me and know that I was lying.

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