Chapter 8

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Jane's POV

I don't get enough sleep last night.

I mean how can I sleep when my mind was being occupied by the thoughts of William the whole night.

This morning I didn't have the strength to make breakfast so I laid in bed until noon. Poor Noah, he keeps whining for me to make him pancakes.

Oh baby, mommy is so sorry but mommy's not in the mood today.

At 1 pm I decided to get off the bed and take a shower. I put on some clean clothes and change Noah's as well. I'm too tired to make lunch so I wanted to take Noah to the nearest diner and have our lunch there.

After lunch, we walked our way back home. We decided to not take the bus because the bus was crowded with people today. It's almost possible for us to get a seat so we walk home.

"Mommy, can we go to the park?" Noah asked me.

"Baby, the park is on the opposite way. It's too late to turn back now, let's just go home yeah? We can watch movies instead." Honestly, I'm just not in the mood to go anywhere. I wanted to go home cuddle with Noah and maybe get some sleep after last night. Besides, the park is on the opposite way and I'm too tired to turn back. 

"But mommy.... pwease?? I want to play! I want to play!" Noah looked at me with pleading eyes.

Oh god, how can I say no to this kid?

"Okay Noah, how about we go home and mommy play the leggos with you? Sounds fun right!" Actually no. I don't plan on playing with Noah today but if it could stop him from asking me to go to the park then I'll just go with it.

Noah looked away from me. He pull his right hand from me and walk away with a frown on his face.

I hate seeing him sad. Damn it, Jane! You're such a bad mother!

"Baby! Noah! Hey, wait up for mommy!" I called for him.

I tried to catch up to him. Once I'm beside him I take his hand back in mine.

"Noah! You cannot walk away from mommy like that. What if someone take you away from me?" I never meant to scold him but I was worried.

Noah only nods his head but he is still not looking at me. I can tell that he is still sad that I won't take him to the park.

"Baby... mommy is so sorry okay? Don't you wanna go home and play with mommy?" I asked him slowly.

Noah shake his head slightly, "But I wanna go to the park! I wanna play the swing!"

"Well then let's go to the park!" 

No, I didn't said that. I turn around only to be met with a very handsome and casual looking William. 

Oh god please... what does he want now?

"Uncle Will!!!" Noah let go of my hand and run towards William.

"Hey buddy! How is my cute little boy?"

Um... excuse me? His cute little boy? 

"Uncle Will... mommy is a meany! Mommy don't want to take me to the park!"

How dare my son betrayed me, I thought playfully.

"What?? How could your mommy don't want to take you to the park? That's okay bud. I'll take you there okay? You wanna play the swing right? Let's go..."

William hold Noah's hand and they started to walk away.

So.... they're just gonna leave me here? On the sidewalk... alone.

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