Chapter 18

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Jane's POV 

I'm sitting in the kitchen when I hear the doorbell ring and I glance at the door, wondering who would it be. 

"Hmm," I say, looking at my 3 years old son, Noah.

"We should go see who that is, shouldn't we?"

"Yes mommy!!" I can't help but smile as he nods solemnly, mesmerized even more everyday by his cuteness.

"Okay, come on then." I say, scooping him out of his chair and hoisting him onto my hip as I walk towards the door.

I was completely caught off guard when I open the door to see William standing there. 

"Hey, Jane. Hey, buddy!" he says, "I figured I'd stop in and see if you both wanted to get lunch or something?"

"Uncle Will!! Yay, uncle Will is here!" Noah jumped out of my hold and went to hug William's leg, "Mommy, can we go out with uncle Will, please? Please mommy..." he whined.

I put my hand on my chin and pretend to think, "Hmm... I don't know..."

Noah made a sad face to me then looked at William and tugged at his pants to get his attention. William only chuckled and bent down to pick Noah up in his arm.

"C'mon Jane, I'll take you guys to some restaurant that I just fou-"

"Nuh-uh, we are not going to any fancy place for lunch. I would only go if..."

"If..?" William asked curiously, eyebrows furrowed.

"If... we are going to McDonald's!" I said excitedly!

Noah laughed and clapped his hands, "Yay mommy! We're going to McDonald's! We're going to McDonald's!"Noah said in a sing song tone.

"Now baby, don't be happy just yet, we still don't know if uncle Will would want to go to McDonald's..." I said while stealing a glance at William.

"Uncle Will would take us to McDonald's, I just know it! Because he likes you, mommy!" Noah said enthusiastically, "Rite, uncle Will?"

"That is true, I like both of you so much that I'm willing to take you guys anywhere you want. And McDonald's? Really, Jane? You know I'll take you to the moon and back if you ask me to."

 My breath caught in my throat at his words. My insides were jumping for joy, my heart was beating so fast that I could almost hear it in my ears. 

"Hehehe." Noah giggled, looking at both William and me. "I told you mummy! Uncle Will likes you!" Noah said while giggling happily.

So, here we are 15 minutes later, eating cheeseburgers with coke for both William and me, and a chicken nugget Happy Meal for Noah. 

I have finished my burger so now I'm sipping on my coke when William decided to clear his throat and talk to me.

"It's been awhile since I ate a burger, let alone a cheeseburger." He stated.

I forced a smile, somehow his words managed to made me feel uncomfortable. Of course he don't usually eat burgers, he's a CEO, he only eats at fancy place or maybe even got a maid that will bring breakfast to his bed everyday. 

He wouldn't go to place like McDonald's and eat burgers or even try to eat fries with ice cream because that's just not him. 

"Jane? Hey Jane, are you listening?" I was brought back to reality when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at William and once again forced a smile.

"Sorry. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I'm so full and I feel sleepy now. Maybe Noah and I should head home now, eating too much can actually makes you tired, ya know." I turned to Noah and he also looks like he's about to fall asleep on his meal. I took the last piece of the chicken nugget and eat it before I stood up and hoisting Noah onto my hip.

William looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Um, wait Jane, I-"

"Thank you so much for the lunch. Don't worry about us, we can go home by bus. Bye William." I told him and quickly walk away.

"Hey Jane, wait up!" I was already five steps ahead when suddenly William came running beside me.

"Hey, could you slow down please? What was that anyway? Why are you suddenly trying to avoid me?" William asked. His face didn't look sad, but is a bit confused and puzzled by the situation.

"I'm not avoiding you." I shrugged. "I'm just tired and wanna go home. Unless you want me to pay you back for the lunch then okay I'll-"

"Oh god Jane, we're not going there again. I don't want to talk about this again. You know well enough that I don't care about who's paying what, I don't care about money-"

I cut him off, "Oh of course, of course you, the CEO of the W.W. Inc, doesn't care about money. Because you have too much money and you have no idea what to do with it so you just decided hey let's spend all this money on this pathetic woman and her son so they would think I'm nice and maybe, just maybe she would let me have her on the bed again because she's that low and pathetic!" I screamed out at William. He looked shocked and sleepy Noah is now wide awake after hearing my loud banter.

At least there's no one around us to witness it. We purposely choose to eat on the second floor which luckily have no customer eating on this floor. I really don't want to make a scene but I can't help with what I'm feeling right now. 

"What...the hell? Jane? What's all this about? What's wrong? Why with the sudden change of mood? Did I do anything wrong?" William is still shocked with my words but he managed to stay as calm as he can.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, I just want to go home." I took Noah's hand and drag him out of the McDonald's along with me.

We are finally out of the McDonald's and now walking on the sidewalk, "Mommy...are you okay?" Noah asked me. His voice sounds so small and he looks like he's scared.

Aw, my baby is scared of me.

I knelt down to his level and looked into his eyes. He looks like he is about to cry. I put my arms around Noah and hug him tight.

"I'm so sorry baby. Don't be afraid of mommy, okay? Mommy's okay now. You make me feel okay. Now, let's go home yeah?" I kiss him on the forehead once and then on both of his cheeks.

"S'kay mommy. Don't be sad... I want to see you happy. But why are you mad at uncle Will?" He asked.

"I'm not mad, mommy's tired that's all. C'mon, let's go home and change into our pjs then we can watch your favorite cartoon, okay?"

Noah only nodded. As we were walking, suddenly I heard a car honk. I turned around and I'm not surprised to see him. Of course he would follow us. He just won't give up, won't he?

I saw him walked out of the car and went towards us.


"What else did you want, William?" I looked at him with an annoyed expression while Noah is still looking clueless and innocent beside me.

"I want you to explain what the actual hell happened back there? Why are you mad at me?" William asked, clearly trying to stay calm even though I can feel like he is boiling inside with my sudden attitude.

I sighed and rub my temple gently trying to find the best answer to give to him.

"Look William, I'm sorry for being mad. I just, ugh, I don't know I just don't feel-"

"Hey hey... it's okay, it's alright now. That's okay if you don't wanna talk about it right now." William said softly. "Let's take you and Noah home first and then you guys could rest. We could talk it all through after that. Okay? Now, c'mon." 

William pick up Noah in his arms and then slowly and gently hold my hand and guide me into his car. The whole ride to my apartment was full of silence and it almost suffocate me so I rub my temples, again, to calm myself.


omg guys thank you so much for 100+ votes on this book!! i'm soooo happy i think i'm gonna cry! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

anyway taylor's new album 'reputation' has been released today so please buy them on itunes (or any other platform) and have a TS' REP listening party!!  ;)


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