Chapter 9

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William's POV


I totally fucked up!

Jane is so hard to get and I have no idea what else to do to get her. My charms of being a rich and handsome CEO obviously not working on her.

I need help to get her, but who could help me with that?


No, I'm not using her son just to get her. That sounds so wrong.

Think, William! Think! You're a god damn CEO for god's sake and you don't even know how to get a woman like Jane? 

But Jane is not just any woman. She's different. She don't want me for my money and obviously not for sex either so it makes her different. Besides, she has a son. She's been struggling all this time to find money for her son. She is such a strong woman and that's why I love her.

Shit, did I just said love?

If money and sex won't make her want me then what? 

Suddenly it felt like there's a light bulb above my head because I just found out one way to make her want me.

If I make her jealous, perhaps she would realize that she actually wants me too and then she would come back at me and begging for me to take her!

Genius, William! Genius!


Jane's POV 

I'm in the back room at the pub. I was preparing myself to go on stage.

It's been a few weeks since I saw William. The last time I saw him was at the pub 3 days after we went to the park. He didn't visit the pub since then.

He probably has moved on from me. And I'm sure as hell need to move on from him too.

Damn, I sounded like we just broke up from a long time relationship or something.

After almost an hour I straddle, swing, grind and hump the pole, that's when I saw William.

But he's not alone. He's with a girl. A very pretty one.

They looked very intimate together and it makes me sick. I don't know why but I hate seeing him with another girl. I'm not supposed to care but I did. 

I stop dancing because I can't do it anymore, not when William is here being flirty with another girl while stealing a few glances at me. 

What is he up to?

I sit on a stool at the bar while William and the girl are sitting way too close to each other at his usual seat. 

I admit, I was filled with jealousy but of course I didn't unleash it.

William would give me smug looks once in a while which was awfully sickening.

And then the worst thing happened, they kiss! That of course made the girl feel ecstatic but it made me boil with anger. Thank god it's only a short kiss but I still think I'm gonna puke.

I know that I shouldn't be feeling this way but I can't help it. I actually really did fall for him and I've seen the better side of him, the non cocky William, and now seeing him with someone else, kissing...

oh, it breaks my heart!

I shouldn't have trust him. I thought that he would at least try to change and stop flirting and sleeping around with other girls but no. He's still the same William Winston that everyone know.

I don't like this William. I want the William that knows how to make casual talk with me and always found the way to make my son smiling and happy. I want that William.

I look at William and the girl, they're still flirting at each other. But I can see that William is still trying to make me look at him. No, it's more like he's trying to make sure that I'm looking at him.

If he was trying to make me jealous then he's definitely successful because I honestly can't wait to rip the girl's head off.


William's POV

I could feel that my plan was working. I was going to make Jane jealous. She would look at us once in a while so that means my plan was probably working. But of course she had that stupid poker face on. 

Well, Stella, the girl that I'm with tonight was really annoying but I had no choice but to enjoy her presence because that's the only way to make Jane jealous. Honestly, this plan is utterly childish but I'll do anything and whatever it takes to have her. I want to make her mine.

I turn my gaze to Jane and she looked as if she was ready to go for a war but she still had this poker face on.

Damn woman, you sure did know how to control yourself eh?


Jane's POV 

After a while of stealing glances with William, he finally make the next move.

William stand up from his seat along with the girl. He drag the girl with him to the dance floor.

Great, now they're dancing together!

Wait, no. Actually it's more like grinding on each other.

William looked like he really enjoyed himself with the girl. After this, they'll probably spend the night together.

Will he kiss her as passionate as he kissed me? Will he compliment her and tell her how great her head giving skills are just like he did to me? Is he going to enjoy and savor every moment of it with her?

Thinking about William and the girl do it on the bed together makes me hurt. Really hurt.

But I couldn't show him that I'm hurt. He couldn't know that what he's doing with that girl is affecting me. I need to look strong and act like I don't care.

I tilted my face upwards and trying my hardest not to let the tears brimming at my eyes fall down.

Oh William, why are you doing this? You're such a beast! A beast that I should forget and let go!



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