Bonus Chapter 1...

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Warning! Smut up ahead! You have been warned, if you do not like that then skip ahead to the next part!! :)

Song above is...Pony by Ginuewine Magic Mike edition ;) Enjoy *wink* *wink*

Happy Reading! 

The Honeymoon...

"Babe are you ready yet?" Gage called from down the hallway.

"Coming!" I looked over our bedroom to make sure we didn't miss anything. We were going to be gone for a week or so and I didn't want to have to buy something I forgot to pack.

Once I was sure we had everything I grabbed my purse and left the bedroom. When I came into view I saw Gage smile at me.

"Is my wife ready to go on her honeymoon?" He asked. I beamed at the word 'wife'. It felt weird to be called that but a good weird. We were finally married and I was finally all Gage's and he was all mine. I liked the sound of that.

"I am. Is my husband?" We grinned at each other, not even caring about our cheesiness.

"A whole week of just us two, I think I'm more than ready." Gage had a suggestive grin on his face. I knew what he had in mind and I would be lying if I wasn't thinking the same thing.

"Lets get going then." With a wink at him I grabbed the handle of my suitcase and opened the door. I heard Gage groan behind me which just made my grin get wider.

Small payback for last nights teasing.

* * * * * * * * * 

Gage and I decided to go to Fiji for our honeymoon. Just us two on the beach and exploring the island sounded like heaven. Neither of us have been there before so it was an easy choice for us to make.

"Remind me to thank your parents for letting us use the the private jet." Gage muttered as he leaned back in the recliner seat.

"You are more excited about the jet than our honeymoon aren't you?" I looked over at him, placing my book in my lap.

"Yes." He instantly replied only to stop. "I mean no, of course not." I shook my head at him.

"Why did I marry you again?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Because of my devilishly good looks." He looked right at me with a smirk.


"My rock hard body."


"Then what do you love about me?" Gage sat up and looked up at me. I tapped my chin with my finger as if I was thinking about it. "Want to hurry up with that?"

"Hmm well..."

"Great my wife doesn't even know why she married me." I grinned before taking off my seatbelt and standing up. Gage's eyes followed me as I stood up in front of him. I placed my legs on either side of his and lowered myself down in his lap.

"I married you because I love you." I bent down and softly pressed a kiss to his lips. "Despite how ugly you are." I grinned against his lips.

"I should be mad at that but with the way you are sitting on me I don't care." Gage breathed out. His hands come down to grab my ass making me smile.

"You know you we have this entire plane to ourselves." Gage smirked at me, wiggling is eyebrows at me.


"Why not? They can't see us. "

"They can hear us!"

"It is our honeymoon Carter. Of course they will expect us to have sex." Gage tried to reason with me.

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