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Ava's POV
Waking up to Bray shaking me again.
"I'm up!" I say. "Good get dressed." Bray says. I sigh getting up and going to my closet. I get dressed, grab my phone and put my shoes on. I walk out and go to school. Rhyme and I go to homeroom. "What's wrong with you? You seem as if your in a rush." She say. "There's nothing wrong." I say.
Riley's POV
Luna and I sneak in to watch that new girl dance. (Dance in media above second girls group)

My jaw drops. "She's actually good." Luna says. "Yeah maybe even too good." I say. I guess my anger got the best of me because I go out to where they are and grab her hand. 

Ava's POV
As I was dancing I was being pulled. As we got to wherever we were going and she stops. "Don't think I didn't hear about you and Ace!" She says. "And don't think I didn't hear your fake brown hair." I say. She gasps and stomps away. I chuckle and walk away to the gym. "Where were you!" Birdie yells. "Uh did you not notice I got dragged out of here?" I ask. "No." She responds. "Well I did." I respond.
I sigh and get ready to head home.
I go straight home. I wasn't feeling very well.

I change into something and leave my hair down. I took some aspirin and fall asleep soon.

At one point I got really hot. My throat was hurting really badly, my stomach felt like it had knots in it, and I didn't feel like I could get up. I tried to sleep as much as I could but I just couldn't.

About 30 minutes later I found myself tossing my cookies. "That disgusting." I say to myself. "What did I even eat?" I continue.

I shrug it off because I feel better.
I brush my teeth and  go change back into my other clothes. I put my hair in a messy bun. Walking to the arcade was not an option. Laying on one of those ledges my phone begins to ring.

The name read Ace.

I decided to pick up.


"Where are you?" I hear.


I hang up and call someone who has a girlfriend but seemed worried.

I pull up his contact Grant.

I sigh and tap his contact.

"Hello?" I hear through the phone.

"Can we meet?" I asked.

"Yeah, where?" He asked.

"I don't know." I say.

"Meet at the front of the courthouse." He says.

I get up off the ledge and go to where he told me to meet.

I go quickly. Finally,  I see him.

To Be Continued:)
Sorry not sorry for the cliffhangers

Chicken Girls FanFicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora