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Ava's POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I look around seeing Flash in the corner. He's cute when he's sleeping. I mentally smack my forehead because Flash is my best friend. Soon Flash wakes up. "What time is it?" He asks in a morning voice. I check my phone, "It's 10: 15pm." I respond. "I'll walk you home." He says. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yeah." He nods. I nod and we leave. We go to my house and I hug him. "Thanks for today, I had a lot of fun. " I say. "Me too. " He says.

I smile and go in.

I see Bray passed out on the couch. I sigh and go to my room. I take a shower putting some lazy clothes on and blow drying my hair. I go to sleep.

Riley's POV
Tomorrow is just another day to ruin Ava. I know Ace is mad at me for the paint thing but I don't understand why Ace likes her so much. I just had to make sure she doesn't get Ace.

The Next Day Ava's POV TK's Day
I wake up and go get dressed. The same old same old really. TK picks me up, walks me to school, to class, to lunch, to wherever I were to go.
Riley gave me glares every once in a blue moon.  Eventually school ended and TK had something to do so he took me home. 

I walked in and Bray says,  "I was just about to head to the arcade wanna come?" I shrug and say, "Sure." I respond. She nods and goes to get ready.  I turn around and head to the car.  Not knowing what I'm getting myself into did I really say Flash was cute when he's sleeping?  I need to stop,  he's my best friend and I can't let anything happen between us.

Anyway, Bray gets into the car and we head to the arcade. I walk in with Bray and we go to the counter. I sit up there and watch people walk back and forth from one destination to another.  "Why don't you go hang out with someone?" She asked. "Because I don't want to." I say. 

Bray's POV
The spring fling is 3 weeks from now, Ava still hasn't said anything about it. I wonder what's going on with her. I decide to ask her later.  I hope she'll ask Ace. Anyway,  she's been kind of distant and it scares me.

Ava's POV
I know this is the first time I'm thinking about the spring fling. I guess I hated the fact that I'm probably not gonna go.  Girls have to ask the guys and I probably won't have the guts or the time to ask so why should I go? 

Anyway,  tomorrow is Ace's day.  I have been avoiding him because of Riley.  I know such a childish thing to do but I am not trying to get heartbroken  and I'm not trying to make her mad.

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