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I think we all fell asleep. I got up and went to go get some coffee. I see Ava cuddled up to Ace. I chuckle and Rhyme wakes up. She gets up to come over to me. "Good morning." We say to each other. "I'd wake them up but they're cute." I say. Rhyme nods her head, "Agreed, but I've got to go, I'll see you later." Rhyme says. I nod and she leaves.

I sigh, I decide to let them wake up on their own.

Ava's POV

I wake up to Ace beside. I was about to run but then I remember yesterday and calm down. I moved away from him slightly. I turned back over and see Ace awake. He looks toward me and I sigh.

"I should probably go." He says. I nod. He leaves and I go get dressed.

Just because Ace and Rhyme came and held me together doesn't mean it will keep me together for the rest of the week. I'm usually nice until someone snaps me loose enough. I just hope she stops. I don't want to do anything stupid and that's the problem, I might. Bray gets back and I go eat two granola bars. I don't talk much when I feel like I'm gonna do something stupid so I lock myself in my room.


Its Monday and I'm refusing to go to school. I left my room and got dressed but I sat down on the couch. "Ava, what are you doing?" Bray asks concerned. "Watching TV." I say in a duh tone. "Ava today's Monday, you have school." She says. I groan, I decide to get up and go to the car. Bray can drop me off at school, but I'm perfectly capable of walking away and skipping school. I may start getting myself into more trouble.

Bray drops me off at school, I wait about 5 minutes until I see her car go towards the house. I make sure no one is around.

I was going to find an abandoned building. In LA I had this building I went to when I needed an escape, I used to dance in private and no one knew where I was. Of course that was just me and my dad and he didn't worry about me much.

Walking around this small town of Attaway, I finally find the perfect place. I walk in, there are dusty tarps everywhere. I pull one of the tarps off of something and there it make dust fly everywhere causing me to cough.

I put the tarp down somewhere and look around some more, this place could use some work but by the end of the week I should have this place all fixed up.

I get home just in time as school ends. I show up for dance practice. Rhyme pulled me to the side. "What happened? Where were you?" She asks worried. "Don't worry, I was safe. I just couldn't face the whole school today." I partly lie. It wasn't a whole lie because the not being able to face the whole school isn't a lie, and as for being safe I wasn't really safe because I was trespassing. She nods approving my absence. I sigh and we go into dance practice. "Ava, not gonna lie, you kind of had me scared because you didn't t show up for school today. "I was safe, and that's all that matters. they nod ad we go get ready to dancee. We practice our dance a few time until its Power Surge's turn. I make sure Riley doesn't see me before I run out. I just don't want to hurt her, that's the last thing I need. I head out of the gym and walk home before anyone can catchup to me.

As I approach the driveway, I see an angry Bray standing with her arms folded and her foot tapping the ground. I could tell she was mad because she had a red face ad a frown on her face. I don't know what this about but she comes up to me and grabs my wrist. She pulls me into the house and pushes me backwards and I'm sitting o the couch. "Ava, where were you today?" She asked. "At school." I respond. "That's weird because, I got a call rom the school and they said you never showed up, and you never walked to class with Rhyme." She says. "First of all, I did show up because you dropped me off and they must have marked me absent on purpose or they didn't take attendance." I say. "Ok, I won't stress it today, but if I get anymore calls saying you didn't show up, I'm coming to you." She says. I nod viciously and Bray goes to get dressed for work. "Are you coming?" She asked. "Nah, I think I'm just gonna stay here today." I respond.

As soon as Bray leaves I go put my backpack down, and grab my phone. I wait 5 minutes until I see Bray's car has vanished. Leaving, I make sure that no one sees me leaving. I go back to where I was. I clean the place as quickly and as much as I can.

So I wouldn't get caught, I start heading to my house but then.

To Be Continued :D

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