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Layla mason and tom clarkson were in love. Layla thought that they were happy and that they were meant to be. She thought he was the one. But when layla discovers that she is pregnant it changes everything, especially when Tom discovers that he is not ready to be after and walks away from layla.

Two years later, layla returns to Rochdale and returns with their daughter. Polly. Tom is shocked to discovers that she is back and realizes what he is missing out on with Polly. But when tom discovers that he wants his family back, how will layla react? Will she forgive tom for walking out or will she refuse to let him back in her life with the fear that he won't just hurt her polly?

Will layla ever be as to forgive tom for breaking her heart?

A/N; I own Layla mason and Polly Clarkson and Any other kiddies.

Published: 22nd July 2018

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