#5: Long Day

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Shu's POV

Me and Valt take our seats. I start spacing out and a question forms in my mind. 'I wonder if Valt told anybody yet about us switching?' I hope he didn't, it would be a lot simpler if he didn't. I was about to ask Valt about it until he kicks my leg. I didn't realize that all eyes are on me, I look at Valt accusingly until he throws his head in the direction of the front of the classroom. There sits are teacher looking madly at me, holding a classroom names list.
"Valt Aoi?" She asks angrily as if she has asked the same question multiple times. To my guess she probably has asked it multiple times by now, I just hadn't noticed for two reasons. One being that I was spacing out, and two that I'm not used to being called as one of the first people on the list. I'm usually in the middle, with my last name being Kurenai, but Valt's last name is Aoi, which is the second last name on the list.
Without making my teacher even madder then she already is, I shakily raise my hand up so she can see it. Everyone in the class burst out laughing and pointing at me. I don't know how Valt deals with all the laughing all the time. He should deserve more credit for how he doesn't get discouraged by all the pointing and laughing. I just decided to put my head down so I don't have to look at all the stares and hear the giggles. To my dismay, Valt's headband starts sliding down my head. Maybe I can get him to fix it for me, at the end of class after everyone has filed out.
Our teacher looks back at her paper, writes something on it. She huffs and moves on to the next person on the list. I wonder if I should ask Valt my question, but before I get to ask I was interrupted again.
"Shu Kurenai?" Our teachers ask, I was about to raise my hand, but then remembered our situation and looked at Valt. He looked unsure for a moment, before looking at the teacher.
"Present." He replied and raised his left arm, in which I remembered that my right arm was injured still, and hurts a lot when you raise it. I sort of pity him, for it, but not that much. I give up on trying to ask him my question. Instead, I move onto something direr, like which periods I have today. Today is Friday so that means the period rotation would be, Math first, then Science, after that P.E., then Social Studies. I have all of those periods with Valt except for P.E., I think he has art instead, in which I hate art. I will regret that period for two reasons, one being I hate art, and two Valt will be by himself in my body and who knows what he will do to it.
Luckily my P.E. teacher lets me sit out due to my arm, so I can worry less. But then my worry returns I don't remember if I grabbed Valt's history book that was on his desk. So there's that, but I think I can use this to my advantage, I don't sit by Valt in Social Studies. But I usually have an empty desk by me, and I could sit in it, and share my book with Valt. That is if he remembered to grab it.
Valt looked over at me and seemed to have a troubled look on his face, I was about to ask him what was wrong, but then the bell rang.
"Remember class period 1, is next." Our teacher reminded us before excusing us to go to our next class. I forgot about the headband until I stood up and it slowly slipped down my face. Valt took notice and quickly stood up in front of me and blocked me from anybody else's view. Luckily we were in the back of the classroom in a corner. Valt quickly slid the headband in place securely and tapped my head happily with a big smile on his face. Seems he enjoys being taller for once, I wish I could reach up and smack the goofy smile off his face, but to my dismay, I am too short to do it. Valt grabs his backpack and hands it over to me, then grabs my backpack and slings it over his shoulder. He starts heading for the door but then turns back around noticing I'm not following suit. He gives another big goofy grin and starts giggling. I in return give him a questioning look.
"Are you coming Valt?" Valt asks still giggling with his goofy grin on, it's weird to see my face like that. As whenever I see my face it's either in the mirror or on film, or something like that. I'm never one for doing that kind of face so now it's really weird. I sigh but follow suit out the door of our homeroom classroom. Luckily for us, our math classroom is two classrooms away, so we won't be late like with homeroom. Me and Valt take our seats next to each other and take out our math homework and textbooks. I can't believe that even homeroom was that long, it's the shortest class of the day. Heck, it can't even be called a class it's so short. This is going to be a long day.

Sorry for the wait, but it is here!


Shu is horrible with hairstyles, that is why he leaves his hair down all the time. He doesn't even know how Wakiya makes his hair into a ponytail.

I think at the end of my chapters from now on I will do a headcanon for the story, what do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

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