#14: After School

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I should real write in Valt's POV more often.
Valt's POV

The days almost over. I guess Shu figured out the History book thing. He didn't get in trouble, but for some reason the girl behind him did. I can't help to keep looking back at Shu. I don't know why but my body just looks so cute.  I'm just waiting for the bell right now, to let us go to our home rooms.  I look back at Shu again and see him handing a History book to the girl behind him.  That's who must of gave him a History book to use.  Isn't she the one who also got in trouble for not having her History book?  Well I can't remember.
I get up and head to my home room, and take my seat.  Shu walks up behind me.
"Move Valt."  Shu whispers in my ear.  I then remember that this isn't my seat anymore.  Well I shouldn't say anymore, that's not being optimistic at all.  I quickly move to Shu's seat and look around.  It seems that no one noticed that I was sitting in my seat.  I just slump down into my seat waiting for the bell to ring, as my face turns pink. It finally rings, and I get up to run out the door until I remember something.
"When it's the end of the day Valt, don't run out the door like you usually do."
"Because if you go to wherever your going in my bod-"
"Oh, yeah. Well where should I go?"
"Just wait in home room, sense we have the same homeroom."
"Ok Shu."
I stay and wait as we agree to do at lunch. Once everybody else leaves the room, I walk over to Shu.
"So where should we go?" I ask him wondering what the plan is.
"Let's just go outside the school first." He tells me, grabbing my backpack and heading out the door. W
"Hey, wait for me." I scream as I follow him out the door. We make it outside the school, and I follow Shu to a picnic bench, under a tree. We both take a seat.
"So what were you suppose to do this afternoon?" Shu asks me.
"Just my homework. Maybe some practice with Valtryek. Maybe watch a movie." I tell him. He looks relieved at what I tell him. "Why? What did you have planned?" I ask him right back.
"I was just going practice with a kid I know." He tells me.
"Ok, well let's go meet him." I said as I start getting up.
"Wait a minute Valt. I don't think we should practice with him." Shu tells me, still sitting.
"Why not?"
"Because we don't know how to wield each other's beys." Shu explains to me.
"Well then we can just use our own beys." I say, feeling proud of myself for coming up with a solution.
"That would just raise even more suspicion to us." Shu says.
"Then what should we do?" I ask him.
"Well, I plan on calling the kid I was going to train with and have you give an explanation, as to why we can't battle today. Then we could go to the park and practice going up each other, with the others bey." Shu explains his whole plan to me.
"But how are we going to call him?" I ask him, as I disn't grab Shu's phone this morning.
"With my phone." He tells me, like it's obvious.
"But I didn't grab your phone." I tell him.
"Oh shoot. I didn't grab your phone either." Shu says with a sour expression on his face. After asking to borrow a phone for awhile, somebody finally let us borrow one. And after awhile of remembering the kids number. We finally call him and cancel the battle. Well more like I cancelled, with Shu trying to help me sound like him.
We then decided to head to the park. So we can go practice in the bey stadium. And get use to each other's bey blades.

Who do you think is the kid, Shu is talking about?

Both Shu and Valt have phones.

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