#22: Good Morning

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Shu's POV

I hear some beeping outside my bedroom.  I turn to look at my alarm clock, only to see that it's 6 in the morning.  What would be beeping in my apartment at 6 in the morning.  Also was didn't I wake up at 5, I swear I had my alarm clock set to 5.  I sit up and start stretching, I look out the door, and see the living room light on.  I should go out, and turn the light off.  I don't want to have a large electric bill.  I get up, and stager out my bedroom door.  I walk down the hallway rubbing my eyes.
When I got to the living room, I saw MY body sitting on the couch playing on Valt's phone.  Once I saw that I remember all that has happened from yesterday.  Me and Valt switch bodies.  I just sighed there's nothing to do about it now.  I walk towards where Valt was sitting on the couch, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders.  He didn't even notice I was standing here, he was too focused on the game he was playing.  I sit down next to him, he should of noticed I'm here sitting next to him by now.  But he still hasn't.  He's to absorbed in his game.  I look over his shoulders to see what he's playing.  Which is kind of hard due to my height, but I can still manage to do it.  I see he is playing Fortnite, ever since he found that game he would not stop playing it.  I don't know what's so good about it anyways.
"I won!"  Valt screamed out of the blue.  He finally noticed me, and jumped back once he saw me.  The blanket fell off his shoulders, and he fell off the couch.  "Shu when did you get here?"  He asked me surprised.  I huff out, a little irritated he did even notice me watching him for the past five minutes.
"I've been sitting here for about five minutes."  I tell him, right after I said that a shocked expression fell on his face.
"What?  No you haven't been there for that long."  He exclaimed pointing a finger at me.
"Yes I have been here for 5 minutes, you were just paying attention to your game to much."  I tell him, getting up and heading to the kitchen.  I open the fridge and look inside, there is hardly anything left inside, I should go shopping today.  I grab out one of the only things left in the fridge: eggs.  I put the eggs on the kitchen counter and walk back into the living room.  It looks like Valt got back on the couch, and started playing his game again.  I sigh and just walk back into the kitchen, there's no point asking how Valt wants his eggs now.  Not when he's addicted to his phone.
I grab out 2 eggs, and a frying pan.  I'm just going to make scrambled eggs.  Halfway cooking them, Valt comes bursting into the kitchen.
"Shu, what's your WiFi password?"  Valt yelled out frantically.
"Why?" I ask him, I'm pretty sure I told him my WiFi password before.
"Because, I'm almost out of data.  And I need to win the victory Royale."  He explains to me, as I turn back around to look at the eggs.
"Ok.  But that doesn't explain why you need the WiFi password again, I thought I already gave it to you."  I state putting the eggs on two plates, and carrying them to the table.
"Well when I was in Spain, I lost my old phone.  So I had to get a new one, but my new one doesn't have your WiFi password in it."  Valt says, while pushing his phone into my face.  "So can you type it in for me?"  He asks as I take a seat at the table.
"How about we eat first and we worry about your phone problems later."  I tell him, while I gesture to his plate of eggs.  "By the way, you need to take a shower this morning."  I tell him while I dig into the eggs.
"No way.  You know how I don't like to take showers in the morning." Valt says, as he finally takes a seat and starts digging into his eggs.
"Oh, well." I tell him. "Your not in your body. Your in mine, and since your borrowing it, you got to follow the care procedures." I explain to him, as I finish the food on my plate.
"But-" Valt starts before I cut him off.
"No buts. You will do as I say if you want the WiFi password." I tell him, carrying my plate to the sink, to wash later.
"Fine I'll take a shower. But you have to give me clean clothes." Valt tells me as he brings his plate to the sink empty. How he ate his food that fast I don't know.
"Sure, I'll go get some now." I tell him as I head towards my bedroom. I should probably get changed to. If I want to head to the store early.
I make it to my bedroom, and close my door. Which I don't really have to do, as Valt's the only other person here. And it's his body. But I do it anyway. I walk over to Valt's bag, and grab the clothes he packed for me for today. Which consists of his regular daily clothes.
I change into them, without a hitch. I then walk over to my dresser and grab out my normal clothes. I carry them to the living room. Where Valt is. He went back to sitting on the couch. He was staring at his phone, but this time he wasn't playing video games. He was texting someone.
I throw the clothes on him, and grab my wallet and head to the door. "I'm going to the store." I told him opening the door, I was about to close it before I hear Valt yell out.
"Wait, your forgetting something." He shouts before he goes running off. He comes back a minute later, with his headband. Which I totally forgot about. He then puts it on my head. "There you go, you can go now Shu." Valt tells me with a small smile.
With that I head out the door. Halfway down the hall, I remembered I was supposed to tell Valt my mom was coming tomorrow. Oh well, I'll tell him when I come back.

Ugh, I rewrote this like 5 times. Everyday I couldn't make up my mind, I thought they where to OOC. But oh well. I can't keep this chapter in forever. I'm going to change December schedule up a little bit. Actually a lot. I will explain in the next chapter.

Valt is addicted to his phone.

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