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Harry looks around at the mess that has become of the wizarding world he once fell in love with. All the beauty now gone and forgotten. He needs to hide otherwise he dies. Albus, his son, he can't believe he has left him with that woman. But what other choice did he have?

He follows his servant up the hills towards the Scottish Highlands and the mountain range.

Ever since the magical community has shown themselves to the mundane world, they have been persecuted and wars have been waged. All his friends who survived the battle of Hogwarts have fallen during these meaningless wars. The remaining death eaters have returned to hiding, if they haven't been killed.

He shakes his head, this is all his fault and he needs to fix this. He needs to fix his past mistakes and misjudgement. He put his trust in the wrong people.

Then also the knowledge that his parents both died either helping him or protecting him and all those hurtful names he called the other. His brown and black hair tied up in a low ponytail. His onix eyes staring resolutely ahead, filled with determination.

There has to be an end to this madness and the only way to kill the monster is to start at its roots.

As it turns out Voldemort wasn't the only one who made horcruxes, the old headmaster had too and made his return. Harry had been happy and relieved at first, he was so naïve, too naïve. He blindly trusted the first people to show him affection and rejected the people who truly just wanted to befriend him. If he could accept Draco's offer now he would in a heartbeat. But now it's too late both him and his wife have been killed by the ministry and left their poor son an orphan. Scorpius had done nothing wrong.

Furthermore Harry has found in ancient books on ancient magic and the history of Merlin that the magical folk was different in more than just one way from muggles. Two magical people of the same gender could have children of their own, if they pledged eternal loyalty to one another and joined mind, heart and soul. This ancient ritual, that would strengthen the magic of both parties has been banned for exactly that reason. The diversity of having children born to parents of the same sex gave magic a new way of working. Gave strength to the child that a normal magical child could never hope to possess.

Now guess who banned this ritual and union. Of course it would be his old headmaster. And yet here Harry was one such child of the union of two wizards. When he figured out for the first time he couldn't believe it. After more and more evidence piled up to the truth, he couldn't take it anymore and Harry broke down crying. His fathers, one, a figure he had considered a father and the other he hated with such a passion. He realised that he never hated the man, he never hated his bearer Severus Snape.

He also can't believe what the Potters did during and even after Hogwarts to his parents. Now at twenty-one Harry has seen more horrors than anyone his age ever should. He is tired of it all and tired of making the same mistakes over and over again. First for trusting Ron but his biggest mistake by far was letting the person he loved the most slip away from him.

Their friendship started during his third year, he never thought he'd get so close to him and his feelings only developed from there but then Cho happened and then Voldemort.

Harry has become so used to feeling and casting the three unforgivables. The cruciatus curse has little to no effect on him anymore as most of his nerves have become numb. The imperious curse feels like a blessing and God forbid the killing curse.

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