I Told You So

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Megan's POV:

I looked down at my phone to realize there were only 3 minutes left in the class and I could not wait to get out of here. Every now and then I could feel him turn his head towards me and feel him burning holes into the side of my head with his stare. I can't explain this feeling I have burning deep inside me. I looked around wondering if I was the only one who could feel the intense electricity in the air. Looking down at my phone to see that class was finally over, I jumped up real quick wanting to leave his vicinity as soon as possible or I was going to need a new pair of panties. Wow there I go again with these thoughts... what is happening to me?

"Hey Jules, I forgot I have to meet my dad for lunch in a bit, but we are meeting up for Matt's party tonight right?" I asked thinking up a lie really quick as to why I needed to get the hell out of here as quick as possible.

"Yeah babe I'll text you when I'm headed to yours later." She smiles as she replies to messages on her phone. I wanted to tell Julia everything I was thinking and feeling right now, but I knew she would bring up the Christian thing again and I can not deal with all that drama right now. I can already hear her now: 'See I told you... you can't possibly be attracted to Christian if you are wanting to fuck some random dude in our class!'

But this might drive me crazy if I have to continue to sit in a class with him for the semester. And did I just say I wanted to fuck him? I looked around me and I quickly walked towards my car hoping no one could read the dirty thoughts my mind was starting to create. Megan you don't even know this guy and you barely even spoke to him today. I hopped in my car and sat there for a good 10 minutes just trying to gather my thoughts. Megan Bowman, you are a strong woman with more important things to worry about so just relax. After I had finally calmed my nerves, I headed to the cafeteria to grab some lunch before my next class.


After a long day I stood in the bathroom putting makeup on and getting ready for our friend Matt's fraternities annual black out party. They say they call it a blackout party because everyone is supposed to wear all black, but they really call it that because everyone is supposed to get fucked up till they black out. Most people don't even bother going to class the next day because the party is so lit. Usually, I don't participate to heavy in the getting fucked up but today I decided this year fuck it because I want to just be free. I know it sounds stupid, but Christian went on a school golf trip and I am alone for the night and just want to have some real fun.

BZZZ... BZZZ... BZZZ... My phone buzzes on the counter. Probably Julia texting me and sure enough it was. It is like we have a telepathic connection. Me and Julia have been friends since we met in the 5th grade and ever since we have been stuck together like Velcro. She just gets me and all my little quirks and flaws. She was also there in high school when I was a major party girl... I have definitely changed a lot since then, but sometimes I feel like I want to just let go like that again.

BZZZ... BZZZ... BZZZ... My phone buzzing again pulled me from my thoughts and I looked down to check my texts.

Julia: Bitch open the door... you locked me out :(

I laugh at her texts and slip on a robe over my bra and underwear to run to the door and open it to find Julia in cute black shorts with a black tube top.

"Girl you look good." I compliment her as we both head back to my bathroom, so I can finish getting ready.

"Thanks, boo you know me gotta look good if I wanna catch me a fine fuckboy tonight." I laughed at her just shaking my head even though I knew in the back of my head I used to be the same way... and to be honest was starting to miss those days a little bit. I know what you're thinking what a hoe, but I believe a woman should be able to have sex with whoever she wants whenever she wants as long as you're careful. And trust me I am careful. I have been on the pill since I was in high school because I absolutely do not want to get pregnant and I always carry around condoms in my wallet. So, I don't have to worry if I wanted to have sex tonight, I would be good to go... What the fuck am I saying? I can't have sex tonight. I have a boyfriend and he is not here. Duh Megan! Oh my god I need to talk to someone about this... Fuck it, just tell her. Who cares if she fucks with you about it after you tell her.

As I started looking through my closet for my outfit for tonight, I gathered how I was gonna ask her this. "Okay J I need to talk to you about something and I need you not to make fun of me or judge me or tell me 'I told you so' okay?" She cocked her head to the side with a very curious look on her face.

"Meg you know I got you. Just tell me what's up.... Wait wait wait, first let's get a little pregame in." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a bottle of Smirnoff vodka and her on the go shot glasses and fills them both. I toss my shot back hard hoping it will give me some sense as to what I really want to say or what I even want in general at all.

"Jules I just really want to get fucked!" Oh my god... I did not expect to say that at all. She looks shocked for a second but then starts dying laughing. I roll my eyes and start putting on my clothes. She puts her hand on her chest to try and calm her laughter.

"I'm sorry babe it's just I have to say it." I rolled my eyes again knowing already what she was going to say to me. "I TOLD YOU SOOO!" She got up and started jumping up and down on the bed throwing pillows at me. "I just knew Christian wasn't giving you the kind of dick you need!" I picked up a pillow really quick and tossed it at her laughing even though as usual she was spot on.

"Yes, you were right... I cannot believe I am saying this out loud, but it has been 4 months since we have had sex and it's not even just that. I don't really think there is anything between us anyways. I know we have been together for a while, but I just don't think I want to be with him anymore. I just want to have fun and meet new people.... And maybe even get a little wild." I sit down on the bed beside her as I gather everything I think I will need for the night into my purse.

"Listen Meg I am just going to lay it out how I see it okay?" I nodded my head ready to listen to her advice. I know she is a little crazy and out there, but she truly does have the best advice and she has always been there for me. "Yes, you have been with Christian for a long time but that doesn't mean you guys are meant to be it just means you guys are comfortable together. It might suck breaking up with him and getting used to being single again after that long but just face it babe you guys just don't have that spark. You really don't want to spend the rest of your life never feeling anything but bored. You don't have to jump right back into dating either you can just have fun and just go with it ya know?" I loosen up starting to realize she is right. I don't need to feel this way anymore. I am only 21 years old and I don't have to be in a serious relationship if I'm not ready or don't want to be.

"You're right. Fuck this I am going to have a fun fucking night and we are going to get crazy!" I jump up deciding to change my top to spice my outfit up a little bit as she pours us another round of shots.

"You mean like high school graduation night crazy?" She smirks as she hands me my shot and I toss it back. I stick my tongue out at her, remembering the night after graduation we got crazy and her and I made out in front of like 100 people at a party. It might seem weird yes, but we have always been really comfortable around each other and super close. And in high school we were both experimenting with our wild sides, so it did sometimes get out of hand.

"That was definitely a crazy night, but tonight If I make out with someone, they will definitely have a penis." I look at her as she hands me another shot and I checked myself in my full-length mirror. I turned to her finally satisfied with my outfit.

"So how do I look?" I arch an eyebrow waiting for her response

"Damn girl. You look hot as hell if someone doesn't snatch you up I will wife you myself." She hands me my last pregame shot as I grab my bag ready to get this party started.

"Again, I need dick but thank you for the sweet offer." I grinned smacking her butt, heading for the door. "Is the Uber here yet?" She scrolls through her phone checking the status of the Uber she ordered several minutes ago.

"Yep, girl let's get this shit started." I put on my game face as we head to the car.

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