Just Mine

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Megan's POV

Damn. I guess he was right, we do always end up like this... wrapped up in one another, naked or close to it at least. Like right now for example, Noah's bare chest is still lying across my now exposed breasts while he runs his index finger across my belly button. My clothes are still all bunched up from our frantic fuck. All I can really do is just lay here and run my fingers through his soft brown locks and enjoy the comfortable silence. After a few minutes, he pushes himself slowly up on his elbows and cocks his head at me with an inquisitive look on his face.

"You know what I just realized?" A smile started to creep up on my face when I noticed the playful glint in his eye that he's trying so hard to hide behind that serious look. He is always so flirty and playful right after we fuck.


"You never brought me a drink." He tries to retain his serious face before letting out a deep chuckle. He dips his head down leaving kisses between my breasts, his chuckles sending goosebumps across my skin.

"After all that, that's what you're thinking about?" All the drama with that skank and the fuck he just gave me, in only God knows whose bedroom, really made us both forget about the fact we are at a party with other people. Not like other people don't do this at parties. I hadn't gotten him a drink and I tossed mine all over that bitch's face. I hope he doesn't think I'm some crazy jealous bitch, but when she implied that she had fucked Noah before... I about lost it... I instantly saw red and I wanted to claw her damn eyes out. That bitch has fucked him.

Noah reaches down and grabs my chin. He lifts my head up to look at him again while pulling my lip from my teeth. It's just a habit when I'm nervous I guess...

"Don't pout baby. If I think too much about what we just did, I might feel the need to do it again..." He dipped his head down again in between words leaving kisses all over my chest.

"And again..." KISS. "And again..." KISS. "And again..." KISS

I giggled, sexy one minute and sweet the next. There is just something about Noah's kisses that has my heart constantly palpitating. I just don't think I have ever been like this with a guy. So...smitten. I grabbed his head, stopping his playful attack on my chest to pull him up to my lips. Mmmm, right where they belong... on his lips. And God they are always soft as hell. I could lay here and savor his sweet lips forever, but I pushed at his chest lightly remembering we're still at a party.

"Well I apologize for all that... and not bringing you back a drink. I was coming back to ask you what you wanted because their alcohol selection is shit down there but then you know..." I trailed off, assuming he would know what I was referring to.

"I'm know, I'm really sorry she-" I pushed at Noah's chest a little causing him to stop short. This time he shifted himself completely off me and sat watching me in silence. I don't know, just the sudden idea of talking about that stupid bitch and whatever she means to him started to make me nauseous. Do I really wanna know? Fuck, I can't stop myself from asking. Jealous much?

"She your ex-girlfriend?" I wanted to stop myself from asking, but I just couldn't. The mood shifted to an uncomfortable one as I started to gather my purse from the floor. Why am I feeling so jealous all the sudden? From the corner of my eye I could see Noah fidget awkwardly at my question and start to button back up his pants. This is the first time something has ever made him truly uncomfortable. He doesn't seem like the type that gets uncomfortable talking about the past girl's he's been with. Unless she was more than just a fuck? Damn... Maybe I shouldn't have even asked. Well I guess I should have known it was possible he could have been in a serious relationship before, we are in college. And me and Christian were kind of serious... well I guess if the length of the relationship makes it serious we were.

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