Chapter 59 - One Of A Kind

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Everyone who heard Eli's words immediately furrowed their brows, a hidden gloominess instantly forming in their hearts.

The previous harmonious air soon turned bitter and cold as everyone soon became silent.

Why was Eli inviting Mimi to the party?

She hadn't lifted a finger since she's been here! What right did she naturally have to go to the celebration party for all of those who worked hard?

All the tech employees couldn't help but express their apparent displeasure towards the foolish idea of Mimi coming to the celebration party.

Senior Su, who stood in the back, also couldn't help but feel conflicted towards Eli's words. Her sharp noble brows furrowed, a hidden frown deeply forming on her face. She couldn't help but feel slightly down as she noticed Eli's kind attitude towards Mimi.

Her porcelain hands unintentionally clenched into fists, instantly causing them to redden.

Even when she was slacking off and performing horribly, he hadn't fired her or spoken to her about it. All of this seemed unfair to her.

Unlike a majority of the employees who planned to stay silent, a few were too displeased to keep in their emotions.

"Mr. Sato, surely you're joking?" An employee frowned. "She hasn't achieved a single thing since she's been here! What right does she typically have to attend the party?"

"Exactly, she's nothing but a spoiled freeloader, why should she come?" Another voiced with deep disgust in their eyes as they looked accusingly at Mimi.

As the employes voiced their opinions on the matter, Eli couldn't help but frown impatiently at their harsh words towards Mimi.

They truly were all too blinded by their contempt to perceive the truth it seems...


A few weeks ago, late in the day after everyone had headed home, Mimi had suddenly entered his office.

"Mr. Sato here are the recent codes and data from the past month," Gothic Mimi said dully while slamming a large stack of documents on his desk.

Eli stared wide-eyed at the pile of papers on his desk, his gaze then looking up to stare at the black clothed girl who had indifferently stood in front of his desk.

"It also includes changes in stock numbers. I've also noticed a few old bugs in the system, so I upgraded. Everyone received a new upgrade this last month. The new system will improve their ability to detect advanced codes and bugs." Mimi spoke all at once, not once taking in a breath of air.

Once she had finished speaking, she had once again remained quiet and dull with her violet eyes covered in dark mascara staring blankly at Eli.

While Mimi seemed quiet and indifferent on the outside, internally she was laughing up a storm of mischievous giggles.

Ah, his expression was much too fun! All her hard work was all worth seeing the man's stunned wide-eyed expression.

Beaming happily on the inside, Mimi continued to place on her cold indifferent act.

Eli, on the other hand, wasn't able to properly hide his disbelief as he listened to Mimi's word for word. It was all too astonishing!

One day she's not performing an ounce of work, the next she hands him months of work in the last week not to mention creating a brand new system for their entire department!

The insane speed and ability the girl possessed was too much for one to processes.

She was most definitely a genius!

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