Chapter 113 - Eldest Brother

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Inside a classroom.

"What do we do? The boss says she's on her way right now!" A man with disheveled hair said nervously.

Another man with glasses glares and smacks the other on the head. "You idiot! How could you overlook such an important piece of information?"


"Yes, please do tell me how you failed to inform me of such important information."

Startled, both men turn in the direction of the cold voice. The two men saw a small figure standing in between the door, their eyes concealed by a pair of dark shades.

Despite the shades on, the two felt a chill run down their spines as they felt the others' fierce stare on them.

"B-Boss!" The man with messy hair's spine goes rigid.

"Answer the question." Mimi's tone was sharp. "How did you miss it?"

Shivering, the man bows his head. "Well, the media they didn't—"

Mimi scoffed with a laugh, "If I needed such useless and glamorized information I would have hired someone from the media. But I didn't. Instead, I hired the two of you to inform me of all of Hiro Corporation's movements."

Her intense gaze landed on the man who spoke. "That includes their future plans with other companies in and out of the country."

"Y-Yes!" Both nodded their heads.

"You say that...yet how come I wasn't informed Hiro Corporation was reaching out to other countries for collaboration?" Mimi's eyes behind her shades darkened.

"I don't know boss, honest! I did as you said and hacked into their system unnoticed." The man walked to a computer resting on a desk and approached Mimi with it. "We even had a few hidden bugs around the place but there was no information about Hirogori Corporation reaching out to other countries."

Mimi frowned as she looked at the data on the computer.

He was right, there were no issues with the program, and everything was working perfectly fine.

Then how did Senior Su access such information?

Mimi's eyes narrowed as she thought of it. Based on what she knew of Senior Su, it wasn't possible for her to obtain such information secretly.

Unless someone told her.

"Damn it!" Mimi cursed, her fists slamming fiercely against a nearby desk.

This meant there was still so much information she didn't know about her father's company!

Just when she thought she was in control, something like this happens!

Mimi glowered down at the floor and finally made a decision. Taking out her phone, she quickly dialed a number and spoke in a light tone.

"I need your help with something."

The voice on the other end was deep, their tone tired. "What? Not even a hello? You haven't called me in a year and this is how you greet me? It seems like the little fox still has no manners."

After nagging, the person on the other end huffs. "What is it you want from me?"

Mimi giggled, her body leaning against the wall. "Just a small favor, that's all."

The man scoffed, "There's no such thing as a small favor when it comes to you."

Mimi's eyes shone darkly. "I need you to hack into the Hirogori company system and transfer their recent contracts and partnerships to me."

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