Day Three #19

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"Okay class! Sorry I was late... but! Since today is early release, today you guys will leave after lunch." Yoongi walks in the class with a basket in hand.

Ignoring the basket, the whole class cheered along with Jimin, which surprised most people.

"Yo Jimin. Why're you cheering?" Minho said.

Jimin smiles and blushes, "I have plans today. With um my friend.."

A few oohs were heard, mostly by girls.

"Alright class. Don't tease the poor kid." Yoongi winked at Jimin.

"Did Mr Min just wink?!" A girl yelled.

"Uh. No. I had something in my eye." Mr Min says emotionless.

The whole class laughs not believing what the teacher said.

"Mr Min~ who did you wink at?~" The same girl who called him out teased.

"I just had something in my eye, really."

"Mhmm. Sure."

"Come on tell us!" Another guy said.

Mr Min sighs, "You guys really like teasing me. Don't y-" Yoongi gets cut off by a voice in the back.

"He winked at me!" Jimin admits.

Minho starts laughing causing the rest of the class to laugh.

"Of course Jimin! Sure he did!" Minho starts laughing even more causing Jimin to blush in embarrassment.

"Whatever." Jimin mutters and puts his ear buds back in.

Minho keeps laughing and pointing at Jimin.

"Minho! That's enough! Stop making fun of your classmate unless you want detention with Mr Kim again?"

"No Mr Min."

"Good cause the bell is going to ring........... now."

"Bye class! Remember tomorrow is the field trip! Bring money! I ain't paying for you!"

The bell rings at that exact same moment. Everyone immediately got up and left, especially Minho.

Obviously, Jimin stayed. He closed the door and walked towards Yoongi pouting.

"What's wrong baby?" Yoongi opened his arms to hug Jimin.

"Minho kept making fun of me. I don't like it." Jimin mumbled onto Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi tapped Jimin's thigh signaling for him to sit on his lap, which he did.

"It's okay baby. He's just a big bully don't listen to him."

"I know but still, it gets on my nerves."

"Hmm. How about this? Since I get off work early today, how about we go on a date?"

Jimin looks back at Yoongi with wide eyes and smile.

"Yes!... what are we going to do? Oh my gosh! I need to go home and get changed!"

Yoongi laughs, "No. You look fine like that. We can leave now actually. I'm done with my work. I've already finished the papers and grading."

Jimin immediately gets off Yoongi and grabs his stuff getting ready to leave.

"Come on Yoongi! Let's go!"

"Alright, let me grab my bag." Yoongi grabs his stuff and gets ready to leave.

They reach the car and get in, driving off to wherever Yoongi's taking them.

"Yoongi can I use the radio again?"

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