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The drive to my apartment was about an hour long, and weirdly we were silent for most of it. It wasn't awkward, it just seemed like Harry was deep in thought and I didn't want to disrupt whatever he was thinking about.

When we arrived Harry sat on my couch, while I immediately went into my bedroom to change. When I came out he was looking at the pictures that I had hanging on the wall in my living room.

"We were so young," He mumbled as soon as he saw I was back in the room.

"It's weird to look back at these and think about how things were. I really thought that we wouldn't grow up." I spoke quietly.

"Whose this?" He asked, pointing at one of the more recent pictures I put up but forgot to take down.

"Uh, my ex-boyfriend Michael," I replied, taking the picture off the wall.

The photo was from one of our first dates a couple years ago, we had gone out to dinner and there was a photographer that went around the restaurant taking pictures of couples for free. It sounded kinda creepy, but I thought that the concept was sweet.

"Ex? What happened?"

The truth is, I hadn't talked to anyone about Michael after we broke up, and I was thankful that my parents and Cheryl never pressed it.

I let out a sigh, taking a seat on the sofa. "We dated for a couple years. Actually, him and I became friends before the last time I saw you, but we weren't dating at the time so I didn't think to bring it up,"

Harry nodded his head, waiting for me to tell him more.

"When we first started dating, it was amazing. He was the sweetest guy I'd ever met and if I'm being honest, I thought that I was going to marry him. It was that good, until he started becoming distant." I took a deep breath, I had never said any of this out loud to anyone.

"He became distant, but I thought that it was my fault so I moved in with him. He started became angry all the time, there was never a time when he was happy. Not long after he accused me of cheating on him an uh, he hit me,"

Harry's mouth dropped to the ground, he immediately came over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I wasn't crying though, I promised myself I would not give him that power over me.

"It only went on for a month after that, I couldn't handle the abuse so I moved out of his place without a word. While he was at work my mom and dad helped me pack my things and leave. I changed my number and blocked him on everything, there was no trace of me in his life except this picture that I couldn't get rid of. I really did love him Harry. Every guy after him couldn't compare, so I kinda gave up on trying to find anybody I guess,"

Harry looked at me, wide eyed and tearing up. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Bella, nobody should have to experience that,"

I shrugged, "I got through it though,"

"Don't worry about not finding somebody though, there's someone out there for everyone," He smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

I smiled back at him. "Thanks Harry. I've actually never told anyone that. It sounds weird to say out loud."

"I'll always be here for you Bella, no matter how much time we go without seeing each other."

"I love you Harry, thank you for this,"

"I love you too Bella,"

We curled up on the couch and put netflix on. I couldn't pay much attention to the movie, as I was too deep in thought about how lucky I was to have Harry by my side.

I was woken up by southpark playing on the TV around four am, which was not pleasant whatsoever.

Harry's head was on my lap, so I tried to get up and find the remote without waking him.
It was harder than it sounds. Trust me.

I was able to get off the couch without waking him. By this point I knew that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around myself before heading onto the balcony.

This was something that I loved about living on my own, I was able to do what I want when I want, even if it was something as small as sitting on the balcony at ungodly hours of the morning.

I thought about the last two weeks. It was crazy how much closer Harry and I had become in a few short days, but I was glad.

I finally had my bestfriend back.

updating again cause i love you guys and i have so much planned for this book omgomgomg

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