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i dedicate this chapter to the falling music video which made me cry enjoy reading xoxo

"Bella, my darling, I know we've only become close again in the past few weeks I've been here. But it feels like we never left each other. My feelings grow more and more for you everyday, and I honestly have no idea what I'd do without you. Now that you're back in my life I never want you to leave." He gulped. "I wanted to ask you properly, so Bella, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Harry," I kissed him.

The gesture was extremely cheesy, and dare I say cliche, but he put quite a lot of thought and effort into this evening. I could tell that he wanted everything to go well and that he was nervous by the way he furrowed his eyebrows, and when we held hands his palms were clammy.

But I loved it. And I loved him, the way he loved me.

I loved the way he smiled whenever he laughed, and how the corners of his eyes became wrinkled when he laughed. I loved the freckles that lined his forehead and nose, and the way his facial hair tickled me when we kissed. I loved his eyes and how they were always full of soul, whenever he looked at me I melted, just as I did when I was under his touch.

I loved the way he loved me.

"Oh thank god. If you would have said no I might have just cried." He laughed.

"I loved you Harry, so much." I hugged him, burying my face into his shirt.

"I love you Bella." He kissed my forehead.

"Do you wanna head home? It's getting late." I checked the time on my phone, it was nearing ten. I didn't realize how long we'd been walking around.

"Okay," I smiled as we walked hand in hand to the car.

We spent the rest of that night tangled in each others arms, our bodies making rhythmic motions as we shared our love.

My phone buzzing next to me on the nightstand is what woke me from my slumber. I picked it up without checking the caller ID, I answered.

"Hi Bella!" Ashely spoke.

"Ash! I miss you! How're you doing?" I asked, sitting up and looking towards Harry's sleeping figure. His lips were parted and small snores were escaping his mouth.

"I'm really good. I got back from camp yesterday and I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? I haven't seen you in forever, I miss you a lot." She stated.

My heart broke, it was true that Ashley and I hadn't spent much time together, and I was really missing it.

"Of course love! Want me to come pick you up and we could go out for breakfast?"

"Okay, also, Anne's asking if Harry's gonna come here and see them?"

I stood up, grabbing a blanket from the bed to wrap around my nude figure. I padded over to the closet and grabbed a pair of Harry's sweats and his t shirt, slipping them on I walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"He's sleeping now, but tell her I'll talk to him when he wakes up. I'll be over in a few hours if that works?"

"Okay, I'll see you soon. Love you!"

"Love you too Ash." The line went dead.

I set my phone down and let out a sigh. I missed my family, it felt like it'd been years since we last spent time together. Between Harry and my mental state I didn't have much time to do anything else, but at least I would get to see them in a few hours.

falling - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now