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After that night, Harry and I were inseparable.

We always checked in on each other, before, during and after his shows. Each night better than the last, I was at the highest point in my life.

Weeks went by quickly, it was nearing the end of November, meaning that we only had a few weeks left before we would be leaving back to our home towns for Christmas break.

My mug collection had grown greatly since the first one I bought in Paris. Now up to eleven, I was having a hard time finding room in my suitcase, so Harry suggested that I get another suitcase just for them. It was quite a weird concept, having to get an entire other bag just for a couple mugs.

That brings us to now. It was eight in the morning, and Harry and I were wandering around a Target in Melbourne Australia, looking for a small suitcase.

"What about this one?" He asked.

"Harry, it's a few mugs. I'm not gonna need one that bag for some cups. I think this one will be fine." I kissed his cheek.

I grabbed the suitcase I needed, walking to the front and paying for it. We walked outside quickly, trying not to be spotted by anyone.

We safely made it to the car and drove off to the radio station, where Harry was having a radio interview before his show tonight.

Harry parked the car and we both got out, walking hand in hand towards the building. Once inside, we were immediately greeted by a bunch of people that worked there. One lady escorted us to the room Harry was doing his interview in.

"Hey! Harry, how have you been man?" The host asked.

"Really good dude." They hugged.

"Good, good. Whose this?" The man asked, nodding towards me.

"This Is my girlfriend, Isabella." He smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Just Bella," I smiled at the man, shaking his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Bella, I'm Sean." He grinned. "Harry, do you think maybe we could have her on air? You haven't talked about her much so I think I'd be cool if we brought her on too. If you're both okay with it, of course." He asked, sitting down and putting his headphones on.

Harry shrugged, turning towards me. "It's up to you, love. Whatever you're comfortable with."

"I guess so, yeah it'd be cool."

Sean nodded with a grin on his face, setting headphones down in front of me. "Just talk naturally, there's no need to be nervous but if you feel like you are, just talk like it's just the three of us having a normal conversation."

I nodded and let out a deep breath. I've never done anything like this before, so it was safe to say that I was a tiny bit anxious. I put the headphones on and Harry grabbed my hand, giving it a small squeeze.

"We're going on air in three, two, one," Sean counted down. He did an intro and welcomed Harry to the show, not bringing up that I was there yet.

"So Harry, you haven't spoken much about a new album but from what I've heard there's one in the works?"

"Yeah, obviously with tour I've been a bit preoccupied and haven't been in the studio much, but this summer I got a few songs completely done. I've been feeling really inspired lately," He turned towards me, winking.

"Any reason? Maybe a special someone in your life?"

"Some people know about her already, but I haven't really confirmed anything until now. My girlfriend Isabella is the reason for my sudden inspiration, she's actually sitting right next to me if you'd like to meet her." Harry laughed into the microphone.

"Woah Bella! I didn't even see you there." I laughed. "How're you doing? How's tour been with Harry?"

I took a deep breath before speaking into the mic.

"I'm really good! Being on tour with Harry is amazing actually, I get to see all of the behind-the-scenes things that go into the show and it's really cool. Harry puts his all into every show, he's really passionate about what he does and it makes me proud to be his girlfriend."

Harry grinned from ear to ear, smiling at my response.

"You two seem very in love," Sean spoke.

"Just a bit," Harry said, making me laugh.

"Is there anything Harry does that gets on your nerves? Let the fans know, any pet peeves you have that he does?"

I sat for a moment, thinking. Although it didn't take long before I had an answer.

"Whenever we go out to eat, he'll always steal food from my plate. Even before we were together he would do it, and this one time we were out with our families for breakfast and we ordered the same thing. He ended up eating most of what was on my plate and not his," I laughed. "But I love him so it's okay."

"Geez Harry, you're like the girlfriend that says she's not hungry but eats off of everyone's plates." Sean spoke, earning laughs from all of us.

The interview went on for fifteen more minutes, most questions asked were about his new album or what it's like being on tour. I was able to put my two cents in here and there, but I didn't talk much after that.

Soon enough we thanked Sean for having us, and found our way out of the radio station.

We made our way to the concert venue, as Harry would need to do soundcheck and get ready for the show soon. There were still a few hours until anything really started, so we wandered the venue a bit, checking out the highest and lowest point of seats there were. It had become a tradition for us to wander around before the show started.

Only a few hours later, Harry kissed me before running onto the stage, screams erupting from the crowd as he did.

I'd never get used to this, each night seeing him on stage made me so, incredibly proud to be called his.

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