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As soon as I said his name Harry's face fell. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

"He spilled coffee on me but it was an accident. I think I'm being over dramatic because he didn't hurt me. It was just seeing him made me emotional."

It was true. There was no reason for me to be as upset as I was, it was just that seeing him made so many emotions flood back. I thought that I let go of what he did a long time ago... I guess I was wrong.

"Isabella. He hurt you, you have every right to feel the way you do. He didn't touch you or anything right?"

I shook my head. "I dropped my phone though, it's completely shattered, so I'm gonna need to get it fixed on my way back to work." I wiped the tears that were scattered around my cheeks. "I miss you, I can't believe it's another month."

"I know baby. I miss you too." He sighed. "Other than today how're things going? How's work?"

"Really good actually. Chonti's pregnant," I smiled.

"Oh wow, tell her I say congratulations," He grinned.

"I better get going, I've gotta go back to work. Thank you for calling me, I love you lots."

"I love you too Bella, have a great day,"

I quickly texted Cesar with my laptop, telling him that there was a situation and I'd be back in an hour.

I threw a jean jacket on top of the hoodie, grabbed my phone and headed out the door. I drove to the nearest cellphone repair store and dropped it off, telling the guy working that I'd be back first thing in the morning to pick it up.

Quickly, I drove back to the restaurant, simply telling Cesar that he was to leave early. Although he looked confused, he didn't question why.

The next few hours went by quickly, I ended up bussing tables and making food as my outfit was not appropriate to be serving customers. I was okay with it though, today had been kind of exhausting and I just wanted to go home.

Finally, at nine thirty I finished sweeping the floor and setting the last table for tomorrow. I put away the broom, heading to my office to gather my things.

I put the few papers I needed in my bag, grabbing my laptop and keys. I locked my office door and turned the lights off. I walked outside and locked the front door.

I took a deep breath, the fresh air filled my lungs and it felt nice. It was nice to smell something other than whiskey or french fries.

I quickly walked to my car and drove home, parking my jeep in the driveway. I remembered that Harry wanted to call again tonight, which put a smile on my face.

Quickly, I headed to my bedroom and changed into sweat, keeping the hoodie on. I texted him on my laptop, asking him if he was still up for a call.

Twenty minutes later there was still no answer, so I decided to begin making the cheques that I needed to hand out in a couple days.

When I was finished, another hour had passed, it was now almost eleven pm and I was more tired than I'd ever been.

'Goodnight Harry. I love you." Is the text I sent him before crawling into bed, and falling asleep almost immediately.

The next morning I woke up to Ashley peeking in my bedroom, the door was slightly cracked open and she was whispering. "Bella? Are you awake?"

"I am now," I sat up, stretching my arms. "Why whats up?"

She stood at the foot of the bed, eyeing me.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm under strict orders to take you shopping to get an outfit for tonight." She crossed her arms sassily.

I laughed, "Strict orders? From who?"

"Doesn't matter, but you have half an hour until we leave."

"Half an hour? What time is it?"

"Almost eleven."

"Oh, okay, I guess I'll get ready for... whatever this is."

Ashley smiled before walking out of my room. I peeled back the comforter and sat at my computer desk, seeing that I still had no texts from Harry. Weird.

I ran my fingers through my hair before getting up and grabbing a hoodie and jeans. I took a quicker shower and changed, then headed downstairs where my family was sitting at the kitchen table whispering.

"Is everything okay?" I stared at them quizzically.

"Why wouldn't it be?" My dad asked.

I eyed the three of them suspiciously. "Are you ready to go Ashley?"

She got up from her seat at the table and headed for the door. I turned to my parents, "Do you guys have any idea what this is about?" They both shook their heads. "Okay, well I have no clue so I have no idea when we'll be back home."

I followed Ashley's lead out to my Jeep. We got in and drove in silence to the mall. I had only been awake for less than an hour and this day had already been so weird.

"Ashley, are you ever going to tell me what this is about?" I asked as we walked inside the mall.

"I'm under strict rules to not tell you a damn thing, so stop asking." She smiled sweetly.

I rolled my eyes as we walked into a store that was so fancy I couldn't pronounce the name.

"Kid, this store looks crazy expensive. I don't have enough money to buy anything from here." I gulped, looking at the pricetag of a dress that caught my eye."

"Bella, money isn't an issue-- oh my god you have to try that on!" She said, turning around to look at the dress.

"I'm not gonna buy it, but I really like it so I'm going to try it on." I found my size and walked to the dressing room.

I changed out of my normal attire and slipped into the dress, looking at my reflection in the mirror I immediately fell in love.

It was a wrap dress, bright red in colour and floral patterns peppered around it. It stopped about mid thigh, and had a deep v-shaped neckline. The thing I loved most about it was the sleeves that flared out. It was gorgeous, but cost more than I'd get from one paycheck.

I stepped out of the dressing room to show it to Ashley. Her jaw dropped at the sight of me.

"I have to get it. What size is it?" She asked.

"Ashley, I said I don't have enough money to even consider buying this." I spoke while she checked the size on the tag.

"Nonsense, change and lets go, I'm hungry and we don't have much time."

"Much time for what?"

"Just go get changed." She turned on her heel.

I quickly changed back into my clothes and handed the dress to the lady that was sorting racks. I spotted Ashley at the till... with a credit card? What the hell?

She thanked the lady before grabbing the expensive looking bag and smiled at me.

"Ready to go?"

quarantine really got me writing four chapters in one day huh

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