Chapter Seven

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Naomi's Pov
The loudest sneeze escaped from my nose as I groaned quietly, slowly hiding my head in the pillows of Chan's bed huffing quietly to myself. All I wanted was to rest.  But at the same time, a part of me wanted to be working and practicing like everyone else was.

But Chan was on a strict leader mode making sure everyone checked on me at least five times a day before the left the dorm. He wouldn't even let me leave his head which I'm sure have been deeply coated in germs.

"Chan," I whined loudly cuddling into his blankets his warmth and scent all around clouding my mind. I curled up a little slowly hearing the door open and close. "What's wrong?" I heard him quickly call out concerned, the bed slightly dipped from the weight of him sitting down.

I slowly sat up a bit making sure to hide my head in my hoodie sleeves.  "Can I go take a shower," I mumbled my voice deeply husky, and very rough sounding, the scratch of my voice making us both wince.

Chan pulled his facemask down a bit and pressed his hand on my forehead fast muttering to himself.  "Well, your fever went down which is good." He commented giving a smile as he pressed his cold palms into my burning skin his Australian accent coming out much thicker making him the times more attractive.

"You can take a shower but then you're laying back down okay." He told me sternly wrapping his free arm around me and I slowly laid my head on his chest cuddling into him feeling him rest his chin on my head slowly.  "Chan," I muttered hearing him hum back.

"Yeah, baby girl." He muttered and I don't even know what I was thinking maybe it was my sick thoughts but I just let it slip out so fast.

"I'm in love with you. "

"Stupid stupid." I quickly mumbled out pacing in my room quickly my blanket pulled over my head like a ghost. I made sure to lock the door making sure no one could come in.

How could I be so stupid and just blurt out I was in love with him? The look on his face said it all. I quickly ran out but hearing him exclaiming my name made it worst. I wanted to cry in sick frustration.

Now he was gonna hate me. I let a loud squeak out when there was a loud knock on the door.  "Naomi it's me." I heard Chan's sweet soft voice calling out to me.  "I'm sorry! Please go away. " I squeaked out still hugging my blanket deeply, hoping it would help the burning embarrassment away from my face.

I heard Chan let a rough sigh out, before I heard him rest his head on the door.  "Please you haven't even heard me speak out, you ran out before I could, come closer please." He begged to me. I chewed heavily at my lower lip before I moved closer and rested my head on the door too.

My heart was pounding with the thought of silly rejection.  "I love you too, I have been for a while. " He slowly whispered quietly.  "No, I'm not just saying it cause you said it. I really am in love with you." He continued.

I kept my eyes shut tightly and whispered to him.  "The lyrics to I am you... where did you get them from?" I questioned hearing a tiny chuckle before Chan sang quietly the first lyrics to me.

"You fill the void in me, you can fill the void in me." He sang quietly making me smile slowly listening to him.

"One night, after you twisted your ankle, I was looking at you sleep in my arms, and  thought, she's fills this void in me because I'm deeply in love with this girl." He breathed out this gentle and soft chuckle that filled my ears like simple music.

"Remember when you got eliminated and were crying a lot." He kept whispering to me through the door. I kept my eyes shut tightly remember that day so clearly. When me, Felix and did.

"I told you, the same thing I told Felix, I'm not gonna leave you behind." I quickly wiped the silly tears away and breathed out a rough chuckle.

"If I wasn't sick Chan I would kiss you." I laughed quietly with him and kept my head on the door.

"My lips will be waiting Naomi don't worry, I didn't mean to make you cry, you need to know that I love you more than just a friend. And that I need you more than a friend, I need you as my baby girl, my whole heart, my everything so will you be that for me?"

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