Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

We finished our movie for the night. It was an action-packed, explosions everywhere type of movie. There was a lot of shouting between the four of us whenever something happened.

"That was a good movie," says Hoseok finally after the movie finished.

"Good movie!?" I look at him shocked, "That was an amazing movie!!" The four of us start chatting about all our favorite parts and coolest scenes. The sky was pretty dark outside. Hoseok looked at his watch.

"I think we have to go guys." He says a whine comes from Taehyung as he looks to Hoseok.

"But-" he begins.

"It's getting late Taehyung," he reaches out to scratch his ears.

We watch together to the doors. I notice Jimin looking almost sad. I smile at him and nudge him forward to Taehyung. Taehyung turns towards Jimin.

"I had fun Taehyung..." Jimin stands awkwardly, unsure of what to say.

Taehyung's eyes light up, "Me too! We should hang out together more often."

"Yeah sure."

After we say some goodbyes, I begin to close the door but Hoseok stops me.

"Wait Y/n, I wanna say something." He looks to Taehyung, "Go to the car Taehyung. I'll be there in a sec."

I step outside as Hoseok turns back to me.

"What's up?"

He hesitates for a second before proceeding, "Do you want to go out again some time?"

"Yeah! That would be fun. I can bring Jimin and-"

"Not with our hybrids." He says. I look at him confused, "Just the two of us."

My eyes widen as I realize what he's saying. "A date?" I ask. He nods his head.

What? I thought we were done after that one time. Was I reading this wrong?

"Um. Look Hoseok. I thought we had that one thing several months ago but since the timing was bad I thought we were just sticking as friends." I say cautiously.

"Yeah, but that was months ago. There's nothing now to stop us." He responds a bit strongly. I think for a moment while looking down. I'm so unsure of what to do. Should I say no? Should I say yes? Do I even like him?

"You can tell me later," he says after a while, "Taehyung is waiting for me. See you Y/n!" I watch him as he waves goodbye and heads back to his car.

I wait until the car drives away until I silently slap myself on the forehead. So stupid! Couldn't you say something Y/n! You had to stand there like a big idiot. I can't believe I was reading the situation wrong all these weeks!

I open the door bitterly while thinking to myself but I almost run into a body.

"Oop! Jimin?" I look at him and he looks like a deer caught in headlights.

Why was he standing so close to the....?

"Yah! Were you eavesdropping!" I exclaim. 

"Nooo." He claims but his tail spikes to either side. He looks around avoiding my gaze.

This cat can't lie to me. "You're terrible at lying, Jimin."

I sigh and roll my eyes as I walk in and sit at the kitchen counter. I put my face in my hands mentally groaning. I hear the chair beside me move.

"Are you going to go with him?" he asks patiently.

I groan loudly. "I don't know!!" I was trying to think of all the possible outcomes for every type of reply I could muster before Hoseok decided to call me back. I was getting rather upset over this in such a short amount of time. Jimin began to notice my distress as he starts to think of something to say.

"Didn' bring ice cream today." He asks quietly. My heart fluttered at his weak attempt to distract me but nonetheless I smile at him holding in my laughter.

I bit my cheek, "Yeah. Do you want to have some with me?" I ask. He nods his head intently with a small look of success in changing the topic of discussion.

I grab the box in the freezer and get both of a couple of scoops. Mine was chocolate flavored and Jimin's was vanilla. I handed him his and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yours is different?" He asks. I nudge him over to the table.

"I know, I know. Vanilla is a classic. You have to try it first." He slightly rolls his eyes.

"You really are taking this seriously," he says.

"Yup now eat some before it all melts!"

Almost painstakingly slow he scoops up a small portion of the ice cream. He looks like it as if he's trying to solve a math problem. This cat.

"Yah! Are you gonna stare at it all day!" I get a bit annoyed from his slight reluctance to try it. He looks at me and nearly smirks at my reaction.

He puts the spoon in his mouth and it's as if a light bulb goes off. I raise my eyebrows as he moves his mouth trying to taste all of it. He dives in for another bite but I stick my spoon against his to stop him.

"Hey, you didn't tell me your review."

He looks up at me. We are both leaning a little forward towards each other. His tongue licks his lips getting any remnants of sugar left over from his first bite and I feel my soul leave my body.

"You were right." Is all he says before knocking my spoon away and eating it all away. I let out a small snicker as I enjoyed my bowl. The rain started pouring outside and you could hear the soft tapping against the windows and exterior of the house. Even though only a few moments ago I was stressed, now I feel completely mellowed out.

The night sky was reassuring to me. Jimin seems to think the same. We sit together on the couch enjoying our little midnight treat while talking about all sorts of stories. I didn't want to go to bed at all. I would rather sit here with Jimin and just chat for hours.

Jimin gets to the bottom of his bowl and looks at mine with a wistful face. He keeps his mouth shut but I eventually notice him staring at my bowl.

"Here" I take a spoon of my chocolate ice cream and hold it out in front of his face. His face lights up with a smile and I giggle while he gleefully takes a bite of my ice cream. I feel nervous, but he didn't seem to notice although at some point he looks up at me while taking a bite out of my spoon and my heart drops in my chest.

I freeze slightly but he doesn't notice my shocked state. I quickly shake off any excessive thoughts and we continue chatting.

"Hey you ate like half of my bowl!" I say as he tries to take another bite of my ice cream.

He pouts his lips and it's so hard not to resist his suddenly adorable face but I pull my strength together. "You'll get sick if you eat too much."


I finally finish my bowl before Jimin can steal anymore, and we huddle together on the couch talking the night away.

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