Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"We need to talk." My dad grabbed my attention while I was cleaning my old room. I've been staying at my parents house for a week or so and luckily nothing has happened.

I nod along, "Just us?"

"No, everyone." We make our way downstairs to the living room. Dad calls Mom and I find Jimin and bring him over.

He looks at me slightly confused but follows along anyway. I pull him closer to me, not failing to notice the glare from my dad.

My dad starts to talk, however, my mind keeps slipping back causing guilt to burn slowly inside of me.

"-wait," interrupt softly. All eyes turn to me. " want to apologize."

Mom furrows her eyebrows while Dad raises his. My eyes trace down to my lap, feeling the guilt rise like steam.

"I want to apologize for leaving...back then"

You would think someone would say something but the room was dead silent. I took a large gulp before proceeding.

"I shouldn't have left like that. I was just mad and upset. You have to understand why I left. I didn't want my life tied down to your expectations. To marriage."

Silence again. I start to get a bit frustrated but I push all those feelings down. This is supposed to be an apology Y/n not another argument. Pull yourself together. Don't mess this up again.

"I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend art school and to do what I love. It's all in the past now. I'm sorry for how things ended and I want us to start on a new footing. Please?"

A voice finally speaks up causing my head to lift up. "We aren't mad at you Y/n," says my mom gently.

"Well I was" mutters Dad and Mom elbows him even causing him to grunt quietly, "...we are not...mad."

"I'm sorry for pushing you away," I hear my mom sigh, "Every single day after you left I regretted what I said and what happened. I am truly sorry Y/n."

My dad speaks this time, "Marriage was not the right path. Back then I was at my prime with being a politician and I failed to notice my daughter's own opinions until it was.. too late."

My heart fills with relief and hope. Things had never been the same since that day and I was so happy that we could resolve our mistakes. We were all selfish, but now all of us showed maturity.

"Alright. Since we got all of that off the table we can get down to business." Dad pulls out several files and spreads them out on the table. Some were documents relating to gang activity as well as records of my brother's previous life.

"We are being targeted," he begins, "the police suspect the man at your house was Baek Hyunsu, a known member of the Arsenic Snakes." He opens a file to a newspaper article with the man's face on the front headline. I forget to breathe for a second, but I feel Jimin place a gentle hold on my arm trying to ground me.

"Yeah that looks like him."

"Two of this city's major gangs are after this family and we don't know why. Now, I believe it's tied to Seojoon." He pulls out several articles with my brother in it as well as documentation of cash flow within his construction company.

"Luckily, I've had access to these since we received full ownership of his assets." He takes out a pen and circles several bank statements as well as transactions.

"These transactions aren't found anywhere else in the company. They only link to Seojoon's personal account and only the police can have access to those."

My mom looks at my dad with concern, "Do the police know?"


He flips over to several files and newspaper headlines. "I can't say for sure, but I've looked through every record I could find of there being gang activity in the past years. There weren't many, those damn police can't do their job."

All the documents and papers flying everywhere started to make me nervous and confused all at the same time. I could feel another migraine coming on.

"Look at these hotspots for dealings." He gestures to several newspaper headlines.

"That's the TrueNorth Mall." I flip through several headlines, "That's Daybreak Hotel."

My mom points out another, "That's the SonsCorp law firm."

"All of these buildings were built by Seojoon's company." He says.

A scoff comes from my mom, "Honey, Seojoon built 70% of the commercial buildings in this city. Are you sure it's not a coincidence?"

"Well it's something." My dad sets the papers down and leans back, "I don't know, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this."

My mom puts a hand on his shoulder, "Maybe we should leave that to the police."

"Those bastards couldn't solve a puzzle if they had to," he mumbles.

"What about Mr. Jeon?" I bring up.

"That kid doesn't know how things work around here. He needs to get that in his head," Dad rolls his eyes.

My mom shoots my dad a look, "Mr. Jeon is doing all he can. Now since we are done, I'm gonna bake myself some cookies," She gets up, "Y/n care to join me?"

I get up from my seat noticing Dad massaging his temples while trying to look at all the papers. I turn to Jimin and notice his uneasiness. "Do you want to help us make cookies?" I ask him.

He snaps out of whatever train of thought he had before proceeding to nod his head. "Yeah, I'll help."

He follows me into the kitchen but I can't help notice how distressed he seems now. Does he know anything? I look at his face and it hurts me to ask. I don't want to know if he knows anything. But I have to?

Instead I grab his arm and pull him with me with a smile on my face. He relaxes a bit and smiles in response. Whatever it is, it can wait. I can wait.

What are your theories? What are the gangs after? Is Jimin hiding something? Who really was Seojoon?

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